Creating secrets


Creating secrets with a key-value pair or file

You can create secrets in DC/OS by using a key-value pair or as a file. Both methods add a name and secret value to the secret store. You may find it convenient to add a secret as a file if you already have a secret value stored in a file locally and want to avoid copying-and-pasting.

See Configuring services and pods to use secrets for information on how to reference these secrets in your app or pod definition.

IMPORTANT: The maximum file size for a secret is approximately 1 MB, subtracting approximately 1 KB for the secret store metadata.

Creating secrets

The sections below explain how to create secrets as both key/value pairs and as files using the UI, CLI, and the Secrets API.

Secrets should include paths, unless you want to allow all services to access its value. See Spaces for more information about secret paths.



  • The dcos:superuser permission.

DC/OS CLI or Secrets API

Creating key-value pair secrets using the UI

  1. Log in to the DC/OS UI as a user with the dcos:superuser permission.

  2. Open the Secrets tab.

  3. Click the + icon in the top right.

    New Secret

    Figure 1 - New Secret icon

  4. In the ID box, provide the name of your secret and its path, if any.

    Secret ID Keypair

    Figure 2 - Creating a new keypair

  5. Select Key-Value Pair as Type.

  6. Type or paste the secret into the Value box.

  7. Click Create Secret.

  8. Returning to the Secrets screen, you can see that your secret has been deployed.

    Secret deployed

    Figure 3 - Secret with keypair deployed

Creating key-value pair secrets using the API

This procedure describes how to create a secret called my-secret inside the developer path.

NOTE: You must follow the steps in Obtaining the DC/OS CA bundle before issuing the curl commands in this section.

  1. Use dcos auth login log in to the CLI.

  2. Use the following command to create the secret.

    curl -X PUT --cacert dcos-ca.crt -H "Authorization: token=$(dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" -d '{"value":"very-secret"}' $(dcos config show core.dcos_url)/secrets/v1/secret/default/developer/my-secret -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Creating key/value pair secrets via the DC/OS Enterprise CLI

This procedure describes how to create a key/value pair secret called my-secret inside the developer path using the DC/OS Enterprise CLI.

  1. Use dcos auth login to log into the CLI. You can find more information about this command in the CLI Reference.

  2. Use the following command to create the new secret.

    dcos security secrets create --value=top-secret developer/my-secret

Creating secrets from a file via the DC/OS Enterprise CLI

This procedure describes how to use a file to create a secret called my-secret inside the developer path using the DC/OS Enterprise CLI.

The contents of the file (referred to below as my-secret.txt) can be any text value.

NOTE: As of DC/OS 1.10, you can only upload a secret as a file from the DC/OS CLI. The maximum file size for a secret is approximately one MiB, subtracting approximately one KB for the secret store metadata.

  1. Use dcos auth login to log into the CLI. You can find more information about this command in the CLI Reference.

  2. Use the following command to create the new secret.

dcos security secrets create -f my-secret.txt developer/my-secret

IMPORTANT: The maximum file size for a secret is approximately one MB, subtracting approximately one KB for the secret store metadata.

Creating secrets from a file via the DC/OS UI

This procedure describes how to use a file to create a secret using the DC/OS web interface.

  1. Log in to the DC/OS UI as a user with the dcos:superuser permission.

  2. Click the Secrets tab on the left hand navigation menu.

  3. Click the + icon in the top right.

    New Secret

    Figure 4 - Secrets screen

    If you have no current secrets, a Create Secret screen will be displayed. Click on the Create Secret button.

    Create Secret

    Figure 5 - Create Secret button

  4. In the ID box, provide the name of your secret and its path, if any.

    Create New Secret

    Figure 6 - Create New Secret dialog showing file chosen

  5. Select File as Type.

  6. Click Choose File.

  7. Find and select the file you wish to create a secret from.

  8. Click Create Secret.

  9. Returning to the Secrets screen, you can see that your secret has been deployed.

    Secret deployed Figure 7 - Secret deployed