Release notes for 1.13.3

Release notes for DC/OS 1.13.3, including Open Source attribution, and version policy.

DC/OS 1.13.3 was released on July 24, 2019.

Registered DC/OS Enterprise customers can access the DC/OS Enterprise configuration file from the support website. For new customers, contact your sales representative or before attempting to download and install DC/OS Enterprise.

DC/OS 1.13.3 includes the following components:

  • DC/OS Enterprise UI updated to 1.13+v2.82.7 and plugins to 1.13+v2.82.7+33076c53.

  • DC/OS Enterprise plugins updated to 1.13+v2.82.7+33076c53.

  • DC/OS core CLI updated to 1.13-patch.5 bundled in the private registry.

  • Apache Mesos 1.8.x change log.

  • Marathon 1.8.207 change log.

  • Metronome 0.6.33 change log.

Release summary

DC/OS is a distributed operating system that enables you to manage resources, application deployment, data services, networking, and security in an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid cluster environment.

Issues fixed in DC/OS 1.13.3

The issues that have been fixed in DC/OS 1.13.3 are grouped by feature, functional area, or component.

Backup and restore

  • Consolidated iam-database-restore to work when no database exists. This helps recovery in rare scenarios. (DCOS_OSS-5317)

  • Consolidated dcos-zk backup and dcos-zk restore to exit early with a clear error message if ZooKeeper is still running. (DCOS_OSS-5353)

Health checks

-Made false negative results less likely by changing a timeout constant. (DCOS-53742, COPS-5041)


  • Marathon will not get stuck anymore when trying to kill an unreachable instance. (MARATHON-8422)

  • Persistent volumes tagged with a profile name now default to DiskType.Mount. (MARATHON-8631)


  • Prometheus metrics can now be collected from Mesos tasks in the container networking mode. (DCOS-56018, COPS-5040)

Security Enterprise

Under heavy load, direct requests to the IAM could be slowed down, making the IAM slow to respond to all requests. Mesos master now uses a login endpoint that goes through Admin Router, reducing the effect of any slow senders. This addresses a rare error condition in which the IAM system can become unavailable, potentially leading to Mesos task launch errors in the strict security mode. (DCOS-56053)