DC/OS Ports

Understanding configured ports for DC/OS deployment

This section describes each pre-configured port in your DC/OS deployment.

DC/OS components listen on multiple ports on each node. These ports must be available for installation to succeed.

  • For DC/OS to install and function as intended, these ports must be accessible upon initial installation.
  • The ports must be open between the indicated source and destination nodes, including over cluster zones.
  • You must use appropriate network mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access to cluster nodes. Refer to the documentation on network security.

DC/OS allocates additional ports to services running on top of DC/OS. These ports are required to be available when services are installed.

All nodes


Port DC/OS Component systemd Unit Source Destination
53 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master
61003 REX-Ray dcos-rexray.service agent/master (may change due to specific REX-Ray configuration) agent/master (may change due to specific REX-Ray configuration)
61091 telegraf dcos-telegraf.service agent/master agent/extra
61092 fluent-bit dcos-fluent-bit.service agent/master agent/extra
61420 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master
62080 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master
62501 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master


Port DC/OS Component systemd Unit Source Destination
53 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master
64000 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master agent/master

NOTE: UDP port 123 is open for communication with NTP.



Port DC/OS Component systemd Unit Source Destination
80 Admin Router Master (HTTP) dcos-adminrouter.service public IP master
443 Admin Router Master (HTTPS) dcos-adminrouter.service public IP master
2181 ZooKeeper dcos-exhibitor.service agent/master master
3888 Exhibitor, or ZooKeeper and Exhibitor dcos-exhibitor.service master master
2888 Exhibitor, or ZooKeeper and Exhibitor dcos-exhibitor.service master master
5050 Mesos Master dcos-mesos-master.service agent/master master
7070 DC/OS Package Manager (Cosmos) dcos-cosmos.service localhost localhost(master)
8080 Marathon dcos-marathon.service agent/master master
8101 DC/OS Identity and Access Manager dcos-bouncer.service localhost localhost(master) Enterprise
8123 Mesos DNS dcos-mesos-dns.service localhost localhost
8181 Exhibitor and ZooKeeper dcos-exhibitor.service agent/master master
8200 Vault dcos-vault.service localhost localhost(master) Enterprise
8201 Vault HA dcos-vault.service master master Enterprise
8443 Marathon SSL dcos-marathon.service agent/master master
8888 DC/OS Certificate Authority dcos-ca.service localhost localhost(master) Enterprise
9090 DC/OS Jobs (Metronome) dcos-metronome.service agent/master master
9443 DC/OS Jobs (Metronome) SSL dcos-metronome.service agent/master master
9990 DC/OS Package Manager (Cosmos) dcos-cosmos.service localhost localhost(master)
15055 DC/OS History dcos-history-service.service localhost localhost(master)
15101 Marathon libprocess dcos-marathon.service master agent/master
15201 DC/OS Jobs (Metronome) libprocess dcos-metronome.service master agent/master
26257 CockroachDB dcos-cockroach.service master master Enterprise
61053 Mesos DNS dcos-mesos-net.service agent/master master
61430 DC/OS Net dcos-net.service agent/master master Enterprise
Ephemeral DC/OS Component Package Manager (Pkgpanda) dcos-pkgpanda-api.service None None


Port DC/OS Component systemd Unit Source Destination
61053 Mesos DNS dcos-mesos-net.service agent/master master



Port DC/OS Component systemd Unit Source Destination
5051 Mesos Agent dcos-mesos-slave.service agent/master agent
61001 Admin Router Agent (HTTP) dcos-adminrouter-agent agent/master agent
61002 Admin Router Agent (HTTPS) dcos-adminrouter-agent agent/master agent
1025-2180 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent
2182-3887 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent
3889-5049 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent
5052-8079 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent
8082-8180 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent
8182-32000 Default advertised port ranges (for Mesos tasks) Any Mesos task agent/master agent