Other Installation methods

Use CloudFormation, AzureRM or other Terraform templates to install DC/OS.

Any of the following methods can be used to install DC/OS:

  • Provision DC/OS manually on AWS (AWS): Install your DC/OS cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using the DC/OS templates on AWS CloudFormation.
  • Provision DC/OS manually on Azure: Install your DC/OS cluster on Azure by using the Azure Resource Manager templates.
  • Provision DC/OS on Packet bare metal: A bare metal environment is a computer system or network in which a virtual machine is installed directly on hardware rather than within the host operating system (OS). Install your DC/OS cluster on Packet bare metal using Terraform templates that are configured to run Mesosphere DC/OS on Packet.

You can use the Mesosphere Universal Installer methods to install a fully functional cluster.

NOTE: Mesosphere does not provide direct support for these installation methods. Contact the mailing list or Slack channel for more information on using them.