dcos marathon deployment stop

Cancelling in-progress application deployment


The dcos marathon deployment stop command allows you to cancel the in-progress deployment of an application.


dcos marathon deployment stop <deployment-id>


Name Description
-h, --help Display info about usage of this command.

Positional arguments

Name Description
<deployment-id> The deployment ID. You can view a list of the deployment IDs with the dcos marathon deployment list command.


In the following example, we will first run dcos marathon deployment list to obtain the deployment ID, then run dcos marathon deployment stop with the deployment-id to stop deployment. The system does not provide any confirmation output, so we run dcos marathon deployment list again to confirm that the deployment has stopped.

dcos marathon deployment list
APP                   POD  ACTION  PROGRESS  ID
/confluent-zookeeper  -    scale     1/2     09db9c92-5662-4613-bff1-d20c3c876466
dcos marathon deployment stop 09db9c92-5662-4613-bff1-d20c3c876466
dcos marathon deployment list
There are no deployments

Parent command

Command Description
dcos marathon Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS.