Understanding the command line interface utility in DC/OS

The DC/OS command line interface (DC/OS CLI) utility allows you to manage clusters, and manage services and tasks.

DC/OS CLI versions and configuration files

Different CLI versions are compatible with different versions of DC/OS. To determine which combinations are supported, see the CLI support matrix.

DC/OS CLI 0.4.x and 0.5.x use a different structure for the location of configuration files.

DC/OS CLI 0.4.x has a single configuration file, which by default is stored in ~/.dcos/dcos.toml. In DC/OS CLI 0.4.x you can optionally change the location of the configuration file using the DCOS_CONFIG environment variable.

DC/OS CLI 0.5.x has a configuration file for each connected cluster, which by default is stored in ~/.dcos/clusters/<cluster_id>/dcos.toml. In DC/OS CLI 0.5.x you can optionally change the base portion (~/.dcos) of the configuration directory using the DCOS_DIR environment variable.

  • If you update to the DC/OS CLI 0.5.x and run any CLI command, it will trigger conversion from the old to the new configuration structure.
  • After you call dcos cluster setup, (or after conversion has occurred), if you attempt to update the cluster configuration using a dcos config set command, the command displays a warning message saying the command is deprecated and the cluster configuration state may now be corrupted.

Latest version install

DC/OS 1.13 requires DC/OS CLI >= 0.8. To install it, follow these instructions.

CLI commands

To list available commands in the DC/OS CLI, run dcos with no parameters:

$ dcos

  dcos [command]

      Authenticate to DC/OS cluster
      Manage your DC/OS clusters
      Manage the DC/OS configuration file
      Help about any command
      Deploy and manage jobs in DC/OS
      Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS
      View DC/OS node information
      Install and manage DC/OS software packages
      Manage CLI plugins
      Manage DC/OS services
      Manage DC/OS tasks

      Print version information
  -v, -vv
      Output verbosity (verbose or very verbose)
  -h, --help
      Show usage help
Use "dcos [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The following commands are available only in the Enterprise version of the CLI:

For instructions on installing the DC/OS Enterprise version of the CLI, see the documentation.

Setting up a cluster

In order to interact with your cluster, you first need to set up the CLI.

To display the DC/OS CLI version, run:

dcos --version

Environment variables

The DC/OS CLI supports the following environment variables, which can be set dynamically.

DCOS_CLUSTER (DC/OS CLI 0.5.x and later only)

The attached cluster. To set the attached cluster, set the variable with the command:

dcos cluster setup <cluster-url>

After following the login procedure, your CLI is now ready to interact with your cluster. You will notice that it now has additional commands such as marathon, node, package etc. These commands come from the plugins, dcos-core-cli and, if applicable, dcos-enterprise-cli, which is automatically installed as part of the setup command.

DCOS_CONFIG (DC/OS CLI 0.4.x only)

This command displays the path to a DC/OS configuration file. If you put the DC/OS configuration file in /home/jdoe/config/dcos.toml, set the variable with the command:

export DCOS_CONFIG=/home/jdoe/config/dcos.toml

If you have the DCOS_CONFIG environment variable configured:

  • After conversion to the new configuration structure, DCOS_CONFIG is no longer honored.
  • Before you call dcos cluster setup, you can change the configuration pointed to by DCOS_CONFIG using dcos config set. This command displays a warning message saying the command is deprecated and recommends using dcos cluster setup.

Listing your clusters

The DC/OS CLI can work with multiple clusters. The following command displays the latest configured cluster:

DCOS_DIR (DC/OS CLI 0.5.x and later only)

If you want to set the DC/OS configuration directory to a specific path, such as /home/jdoe/config, set the variable with the command:

export DCOS_DIR=/home/jdoe/config

Optionally set DCOS_DIR and run dcos cluster setup command.

export DCOS_DIR=<path/to/config_dir> (optional, default when not set is ~/.dcos)
dcos cluster setup <url>

This setting generates and updates per cluster configuration under $DCOS_DIR/clusters/<cluster_id>. Sets newly set up cluster as the attached one.


This command indicates whether to verify SSL certificates or set the path to the SSL certificates. You must set this variable manually. Setting this environment variable is equivalent to setting the dcos config set core.ssl_verify option in the DC/OS configuration file. For example, to indicate that you want to set the path to SSL certificates:

$ dcos cluster list
        NAME               ID                        STATUS     VERSION      URL
  *   cluster 26f72c2f-8d03-47d7-b95f-972b1fd3dea2  AVAILABLE    1.13  <cluster-url>

NOTE: The * indicates that the CLI is currently attached to the cluster name. If you run the setup command again with another cluster, you will see a new item in the list.


This command displays log messages to stderr at or above the level indicated. This is equivalent to the --log-level command-line option. The severity levels are:

  • debug Prints all messages to stderr, including informational, warning, error, and critical.
  • info Prints informational, warning, error, and critical messages to stderr.
  • warning Prints warning, error, and critical messages to stderr.
  • error Prints error and critical messages to stderr.
  • critical Prints only critical messages to stderr.

For example, to set the log level to warning:

export DCOS_LOG_LEVEL=warning


This command indicates whether to print additional debug messages to stdout. By default this is set to false. For example:

export DCOS_DEBUG=true