Make the New Cluster Self-Managed

Make the new Kubernetes cluster manage itself

Konvoy deploys all cluster lifecycle services to a bootstrap cluster, which then deploys a workload cluster. When the workload cluster is ready, move the cluster lifecycle services to the workload cluster, which makes the workload cluster self-managed. This section describes how to make a workload cluster self-managed.

Before starting, ensure you create a workload cluster as described in Create a New Cluster.

Make the new Kubernetes cluster manage itself

  1. Deploy cluster lifecycle services on the workload cluster:

    dkp create capi-components --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
    ✓ Initializing new CAPI components
  2. Move the Cluster API objects from the bootstrap to the workload cluster:

    The cluster lifecycle services on the workload cluster are ready, but the workload cluster configuration is on the bootstrap cluster. The move command moves the configuration, which takes the form of Cluster API Custom Resource objects, from the bootstrap to the workload cluster. This process is also called a Pivot.

    dkp move capi-resources --to-kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
     ✓ Moving cluster resources 
    You can now view resources in the moved cluster by using the --kubeconfig flag with kubectl. For example: kubectl --kubeconfig=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf get nodes

    NOTE: To ensure only one set of cluster lifecycle services manages the workload cluster, Konvoy first pauses reconciliation of the objects on the bootstrap cluster, then creates the objects on the workload cluster. As Konvoy copies the objects, the cluster lifecycle services on the workload cluster reconcile the objects. The workload cluster becomes self-managed after Konvoy creates all the objects. If it fails, the move command can be safely retried.

  3. Wait for the cluster control-plane to be ready:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf wait --for=condition=ControlPlaneReady "clusters/${CLUSTER_NAME}" --timeout=20m
    d2iq-e2e-cluster-1/vsphere-example condition met
  4. Use the cluster lifecycle services on the workload cluster to check the workload cluster status:

    NOTE: After moving the cluster lifecycle services to the workload cluster, remember to use Konvoy with the workload cluster kubeconfig.

    dkp describe cluster --kubeconfig ${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf -c ${CLUSTER_NAME}
    NAME                                                                READY  SEVERITY  REASON  SINCE  MESSAGE
    Cluster/d2iq-e2e-cluster_name-1                                     True                     13h
    ├─ClusterInfrastructure - VSphereCluster/d2iq-e2e-cluster_name-1    True                     13h
    ├─ControlPlane - KubeadmControlPlane/d2iq-control-plane             True                     13h
    │ ├─Machine/d2iq--control-plane-7llgd                               True                     13h
    │ ├─Machine/d2iq--control-plane-vncbl                               True                     13h
    │ └─Machine/d2iq--control-plane-wbgrm                               True                     13h
        └─MachineDeployment/d2iq--md-0                                  True                     13h
        ├─Machine/d2iq--md-0-74c849dc8c-67rv4                           True                     13h
        ├─Machine/d2iq--md-0-74c849dc8c-n2skc                           True                     13h
        ├─Machine/d2iq--md-0-74c849dc8c-nkftv                           True                     13h
        └─Machine/d2iq--md-0-74c849dc8c-sqklv                           True                     13h
  5. Remove the bootstrap cluster, if desired, as the workload cluster is now self-managed:

    dkp delete bootstrap
     ✓ Deleting bootstrap cluster

Known Limitations

NOTE: Be aware of these limitations in the current release of DKP Konvoy.

  • Before making a workload cluster self-managed, be sure that its control plane nodes have sufficient permissions for running Cluster API controllers.

  • DKP Konvoy supports moving only one set of cluster objects from the bootstrap cluster to the workload cluster, or vice-versa.

  • DKP Konvoy only supports moving all namespaces in the cluster; DKP does not support migration of individual namespaces.

Next, you can explore the new cluster or explore the new air-gapped cluster.