Create Node Pools

Create a new node pool in a managed cluster

Creating a node pool is useful when you need to run workloads that require machines with specific resources, such as a GPU, additional memory, or specialized network or storage hardware.

Prepare the environment

  1. Set the environment variable to the name you assigned this cluster with the command:

    export CLUSTER_NAME=my-vsphere-cluster
  2. If your workload cluster is self-managed, as described in Make the New Cluster Self-Managed, configure kubectl to use the kubeconfig for the cluster:

    export KUBECONFIG=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
  3. Define your node pool name:

    export NODEPOOL_NAME=example

Create a vSphere node pool

Create a new vSphere node pool with 3 replicas using this command:

dkp create nodepool vsphere ${NODEPOOL_NAME} \
  --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --network=example_network \
  --data-center=example_datacenter \
  --data-store=example_datastore \
  --folder=example_folder \
  --resource-pool=example_resource_pool \
  --vm-template=example_vm_template \

The output resembles this example: created created created
 ✓ Creating default/example nodepool resources

This example uses default values for brevity. Advanced users can use a combination of the --dry-run and --output=yaml flags to get a complete set of node pool objects to modify locally or store in version control.