Important Considerations for On-prem Environments

Important considerations for On-prem environments in the major version upgrade

The following are important considerations when planning your major version upgrade:

The Cluster name must be a valid Kubernetes resource name

The cluster name must be a valid Kubernetes resource name, that is, it must follow these rules:

  • contain no more than 253 characters
  • contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, ‘-’ or ‘.’
  • start with an alphanumeric character
  • end with an alphanumeric character

For example, a cluster name with an underscore (_) is valid in Konvoy 1.8, but not valid in Konvoy 2.1.

Upgrade of some Konvoy 1.8 cluster configurations is not supported

  • Upgrading clusters with multiple imageRegistries
  • Clusters using a bastion
  • Clusters using GPU enabled node pool