Create Node Pools

Create a new node pool in a managed cluster

Creating a node pool is useful when you need to run workloads that require machines with specific resources, such as a GPU, additional memory, or specialized network or storage hardware.

Prepare the environment

  1. Set the environment variable to the name you assigned this cluster.


    See Get Started with AWS for information on naming your cluster.

  2. If your workload cluster is self-managed, as described in Make the New Cluster Self-Managed, configure kubectl to use the kubeconfig for the cluster.

    export KUBECONFIG=${CLUSTER_NAME}.conf
  3. Define your node pool name.

    export NODEPOOL_NAME=example

Create an AWS node pool

Create a new AWS node pool with 3 replicas using this command:

dkp create nodepool aws ${NODEPOOL_NAME} \
    --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
INFO[2021-08-02T12:16:26-07:00] Running nodepool create command               clusterName=dlipovetsky-demo managementClusterKubeconfig= namespace=default src="nodepool/create.go:264" created created created
INFO[2021-08-02T12:16:26-07:00] Created default/example nodepool          src="nodepool/create.go:318"

This example uses default values for brevity. Use flags to define custom instance types, AMIs, and other properties.

Advanced users can use a combination of the --dry-run and --output=yaml flags to get a complete set of node pool objects to modify locally or store in version control.