Generate a Support Bundle

Generate a Support Bundle

Follow these instructions to generate a support bundle with data collected for the last 48 hours of the life of the cluster.


Before generating a support bundle, verify that you have:

  • An AMD64-based Linux or MacOS machine with a supported version of the operating system.
  • A running Kubernetes cluster.
  • for MacOS or [Linux][troubleshoot-linux for collecting the support bundle.


  1. To download and extract the binary for MacOS or [Linux][troubleshoot-linux

    For Linux:

    mkdir support-bundle && curl -sL | tar -xz -C ./support-bundle/

    For MacOS:

    mkdir support-bundle && curl -sL | tar -xz -C ./support-bundle/
  2. Add the binary to your PATH:

    export PATH=./support-bundle/:$PATH
  3. Verify the binary works:

    support-bundle version

Create a SupportBundle manifest supports multiple support bundle collectors and can be configured as a SupportBundle Kubernetes resource in a yaml file.

The following list is the minimum set of resources that is required to debug a cluster, but can be further customized.

The bundle uses the following collectors:

  • clusterInfo collects basic information about the cluster
  • clusterResources collects a subset of available resources in the cluster
  • configMap collects the values of Kubernetes ConfigMaps
  • logs collects logs (stdout and stderr) from pods in specified namespaces
  • copyFromHost collects certain files and directories from the cluster hosts
  • exec used to collect etcd status from running the etcd pods in the cluster

Collect information from a bootstrap cluster

If you have not yet created a Kubernetes cluster and are trying to collect information from the bootstrap cluster, run the following command to generate bundle.yaml that defines the resources to collect.

cat > bundle.yaml <<EOF
kind: SupportBundle
  name: dkp-bootstrap-bundle
    - clusterInfo: {}
    - clusterResources: {}
    - configMap:
        namespace: default
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: kube-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: capi-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: capa-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: cappp-system
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    - configMap:
        namespace: cert-manager
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    #====================PODS LOGS====================#
    - logs:
        namespace: default
        name: pod-logs/default
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: kube-system
        name: pod-logs/kube-system
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: capi-system
        name: pod-logs/cap*
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system
        name: pod-logs/cap*
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
        name: pod-logs/cap*
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: capa-system
        name: pod-logs/cap*
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: cappp-system
        name: pod-logs/cap*
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    - logs:
        namespace: cert-manager
        name: pod-logs/cert-manager
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000

Collect information from a workload cluster

If you have created a Kubernetes cluster and have access to its Kubernetes API Server, run the following command to generate bundle.yaml that defines the resources to collect.

cat > bundle.yaml <<EOF
kind: SupportBundle
  name: dkp-workload-bundle
    - clusterInfo: {}
    - clusterResources: {}
    - configMap:
        namespace: ""
        selector: [""]
        includeAllData: true
    #====================PODS LOGS====================#
    - logs:
        selector: []
        namespace: ""
        name: pod-logs
          maxAge: 48h
          maxLines: 100000
    #====================HOST FILES====================#
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy os-release"
        name: host-files/etc_os-release
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/os-release"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy resolv.conf"
        name: host-files/etc_resolv.conf
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/resolv.conf"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy /var/log/messages"
        name: host-files/var_log_messages
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/var/log/messages"
        extractArchive: false
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy dmesg"
        name: host-files/var_log_dmesg
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/var/log/dmesg"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy pci devices"
        name: host-files/proc_bus_pci_devices
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/proc/bus/pci/devices"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy containerd config"
        name: host-files/etc_containerd_config.toml
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/containerd/config.toml"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy nvidia container runtime config"
        name: host-files/etc_nvidia-container-runtime_config.toml
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/nvidia-container-runtime/config.toml"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy containerd systemd dropin"
        name: host-files/etc_systemd_system_containerd.service.d
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy kubelet systemd dropin"
        name: host-files/etc_systemd_system_containerd.service.d
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy kube-apiserver audit logs"
        name: host-files/var_log_audit_kube-apiserver-audit.log
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/var/log/audit/kube-apiserver-audit.log"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
        name: host-files/var_lib_kubelet_config.yaml
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
        extractArchive: true
    - copyFromHost:
        collectorName: "copy /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
        name: host-files/var_lib_kubelet_kubeadm-flags.env
        image: busybox:1
        hostPath: "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
        extractArchive: true
    #====================ETCD DATA====================#
    - exec:
        # collect etcd member list
        name: etcd
        collectorName: member-list
        - component=etcd
        namespace: kube-system
        command: ["etcdctl"]
        args: ["--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt", "--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key", "--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt", "--endpoints=", "member", "list", "-w", "json"]
    - exec:
        # collect etcd endpoint status
        name: etcd
        collectorName: endpoint-status
        - component=etcd
        namespace: kube-system
        command: ["etcdctl"]
        args: ["--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt", "--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key", "--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt", "--endpoints=", "endpoint", "status", "--cluster", "-w", "json"]
    - exec:
        # collect etcd endpoint health
        name: etcd
        collectorName: endpoint-health
        - component=etcd
        namespace: kube-system
        command: ["etcdctl"]
        args: ["--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt", "--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key", "--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt", "--endpoints=", "endpoint", "health", "--cluster", "-w", "json"]
    - exec:
        # collect etcd alarm list
        name: etcd
        collectorName: alarm-list
        - component=etcd
        namespace: kube-system
        command: ["etcdctl"]
        args: ["--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt", "--key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key", "--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt", "--endpoints=", "alarm", "list"]

Generate a Support Bundle

To generate the support bundle:

  1. Run the support-bundle command with the SupportBundle spec file from the previous step.

    support-bundle bundle.yaml
    Collecting support bundle ...
    support-bundle-2021-08-13T14_44_23.tar.gz --redact=false
  2. To view its contents extract the bundle (replacing support-bundle-2021-08-13T14_44_23.tar.gz with the location from the previous step):

    tar -xzvf support-bundle-2021-08-13T14_44_23.tar.gz
  3. You will see a new directory support-bundle-… that contains the files as specified in bundle.yaml:

    ls support-bundle-2021-08-13T14_44_23
    cluster-info      cluster-resources configmaps        etcd              host-files        pod-logs          version.yaml

Collect information about custom resources does not support collection of custom resources. To collect these, run the following command (depending on the cluster size and the running workloads, this operation may take up to 5 minutes):

echo $(#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}"

clusterkinds=($(kubectl get customresourcedefinitions -o=jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.spec.scope=="Cluster")]}{.spec.names.kind}{"."}{}{" "}{end}'))
namespacedkinds=($(kubectl get customresourcedefinitions -o=jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.spec.scope=="Namespaced")]}{.spec.names.kind}{"."}{}{" "}{end}'))

echo "Saving ${#clusterkinds[@]} kinds of cluster resources"
kubectl get "${clusterkinds[*]}" --output=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.kind}{"\t"}{@}{"\n"}{end}' | while read -r i; do
  kind=$(cut -f1 <<< "$i")
  > "${OUTDIR}/${kind}.json" cut -f2 <<< "$i"

echo "Saving ${#namespacedkinds[@]} kinds of namespaced resources"
kubectl get "${namespacedkinds[*]}" --all-namespaces --output=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"/"}{.kind}{"\t"}{@}{"\n"}{end}' | while read -r i; do
  nskind=$(cut -f1 <<< "$i")
  mkdir -p "${OUTDIR}/${nskind%/*}"
  > "${OUTDIR}/${nskind}.json" cut -f2 <<< "$i"