Review detailed Konvoy API reference information

This document is automatically generated from the API definition in the code.

Table of Contents


Field Description Scheme Required
address The Address of the host to ssh with string false

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PreprovisionedInventory is the Schema for the preprovisionedinventories API

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec PreprovisionedInventorySpec false
status PreprovisionedInventoryStatus false

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PreprovisionedInventoryList contains a list of PreprovisionedInventory

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ListMeta false
items []PreprovisionedInventory true

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PreprovisionedInventoryReference represents a PreprovisionedInventory Reference. It has enough information to retrieve secret in any namespace

Field Description Scheme Required
name Name is unique within a namespace to reference a secret resource. string false
namespace Namespace defines the space within which the secret name must be unique. string false

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PreprovisionedInventorySpec defines the desired state of PreprovisionedInventory

Field Description Scheme Required
hosts []InventoryHost true
sshConfig SSHConfig specifies everything needed to ssh to a host SSHConfig true

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PreprovisionedInventoryStatus defines the observed state of PreprovisionedInventory


SSHConfig specifies everything needed to ssh to a host

Field Description Scheme Required
port The port used to SSH to the machine int true
user The user used to SSH to the machine string true
privateKeyRef The Secret with the private key used to SSH to the machine corev1.SecretReference true

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