Upgrade Istio when upgrading Konvoy CLI from Konvoy 1.6.x

Upgrade Istio when upgrading Konvoy CLI

If the Istio Experimental addon is enabled while running Konvoy 1.6.x and you want to upgrade, you have to make further changes. Before running the konvoy up --upgrade, you must edit the istio-operator in the istio-system namespace.

Run this command:

kubectl edit istiooperator istio-default -n istio-system

Locate the kiali and tracing addons in this configuration and set them to false, then save this configuration.

Confirm that you no longer have a Kiali pod running in the istio-system namespace by running kubectl get pods -n istio-system. Previously, a kiali pod would likely be running if you had the default Istio addon setup and be named something like:

kiali-55766c967d-xvcxq                  1/1     Running     0          61m

After confirming Kiali is no longer running, complete the remaining steps of the Konvoy upgrade.

The Kiali Experimental and Jaeger Experimental addons may be enabled at any time during or after the Konvoy upgrade. To enable, adjust your cluster.yaml file to include them:

kind: ClusterConfiguration
    - configRepository: https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-base-addons
        - name: jaeger # is currently in Experimental status. More information: https://docs.d2iq.com/dkp/konvoy/latest/version-policy/#experimental-status
          enabled: true
        - name: kiali # is currently in Experimental status. More information: https://docs.d2iq.com/dkp/konvoy/latest/version-policy/#experimental-status
          enabled: true