Upgrade Konvoy Using a Private Docker Registry

Upgrade Konvoy Using a Private Docker Registry

If you are using a private Docker registry for your clusters, you can list all the available versions, passing some additional arguments to the previous command.

For example, if your private Docker registry provides a basic authentication mechanism (username/password), you must pass the following arguments, where docker-registry-skip-verify is optional based on your TLS settings:

konvoy image list --docker-registry-url=https://localhost:6443 --docker-registry-username=testuser --docker-registry-password=testpassword --docker-registry-skip-verify

If you are using a Docker registry with v2 token authentication mechanism enabled, then you should set the following arguments to be able to list the CLI versions from the Docker registry API.

For example, if you are running Harbor Docker Registry, konvoy image talks to the API to authenticate to get some data about the available versions.

konvoy image list --docker-registry-url=https://myregistry.com --docker-registry-username=admin --docker-registry-password=Harbor12345 --docker-registry-skip-verify

If you pulled and pushed the Konvoy Docker image under a different image name or Docker repository in your registry, you need to include an additional argument to the command docker-registry-repository.

As an example, we pushed the Konvoy image under the library public repository of our Docker repository --docker-registry-repository=library/mesosphere/konvoy:

konvoy image list --docker-registry-url=https://localhost:6443 --docker-registry-username=testuser --docker-registry-password=testpassword --docker-registry-skip-verify --docker-registry-repository=library/mesosphere/konvoy