API documentation (v1beta2)

API documentation (v1beta2)

API Documentation (v1beta2)

This document is automatically generated from the API definition in the code.

Table of Contents


VSphereDatacenters is vSphere datacenters definition values.

Field Description Scheme Required
name Define the Name of the datacenter to be used. string true
datastore Define the Datastore to be used. string true
cluster Define the Cluster to be used. string true
network Define the Network to be used. string true
vmFolder Define the VM Folder to be used. string false

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VSphereMachineOpts is vSphere specific options for machine.

Field Description Scheme Required
network Networking describes static network configuration if needed VSphereMachineOptsNetwork false

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VSphereMachineOptsNetwork is vSphere specific network options for machine.

Field Description Scheme Required
global Global describes static network configuration of global settings like nameserver and gateway VSphereMachineOptsNetworkGlobal false
machines Machines describes static network configuration for the machines like ip address with subnet and MAC address []VSphereMachineOptsNetworkMachine false

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VSphereMachineOptsNetworkGlobal is vSphere specific options for machines global network settings

Field Description Scheme Required
searchDomains Define the search domains as list []string false
nameservers Define the machines nameservers as list []string false
vlan Define the machines VLAN to be used int16 false
ipv4Gateway Define the machines IPv4 gateway to be used for internet access string false

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VSphereMachineOptsNetworkMachine is vSphere specific options for machines global network settings

Field Description Scheme Required
ipv4Address Define the machines IPv4 address to be used in CIDR notation like (24 -> string false
macAddress Define the machines MAC address to be set, instead of getting an automatically assinged one string false

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VSphereProviderOptions describes vSphere provider specific options.

Field Description Scheme Required
server Define the vSphere Server endpoint string true
port Define the Datacenter where you cluster is hosted. (default: 443) int64 false
datacenters Define the Datacenters where you cluster is hosted. []VSphereDatacenters true
username Define the vSphere Username for the cloud-provider to be used. string true
password Define the vSphere Password for the cloud-provider to be used. string true

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AutoscalingOptions configures autoscaling features for a node pool.

Field Description Scheme Required
minSize Specifies the minimum number of machines to keep in a pool by the autoscaler. (default: 1) int32 false
maxSize Specifies the maximum number of machines to be provisioned by the autoscaler. (default: 10) int32 false

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ClusterProvisioner describes provisioner options.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta true
spec ClusterProvisionerSpec false

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ClusterProvisionerSpec is the spec that contains the provisioner options.

Field Description Scheme Required
provider The provider used to provision the cluster. One can choose one of the following: aws, azure, gcp, vsphere, docker. (default: aws) string true
aws AWS provisioner specific options. AWSProviderOptions false
azure Azure provisioner specific options. AzureProviderOptions false
gcp GCP provisioner specific options. GCPProviderOptions false
vsphere vSphere provisioner specific options. VSphereProviderOptions false
docker Docker provisioner specific options. DockerProviderOptions false
nodePools A list of node pools to create. There must exist at least one control plane node pool. []MachinePool false
sshCredentials Contains SSH credentials information for accessing machines in a cluster. SSHCredentials false
version Version of a Konvoy cluster. string false

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DockerProviderOptions describes Docker provider related options.

Field Description Scheme Required
disablePortMapping Disable mapping container ports to host ports. Port mapping is only needed on OSX where direct container access is not possible. (default: false) bool false
controlPlaneMappedPortBase If port mapping is enabled, this specifies the host port number base for the API endpoints on control plane nodes. (default: 46000) int32 false
sshControlPlaneMappedPortBase If port mapping is enabled, this specifies the host port number base for the SSH service on control plane nodes. (default: 22000) int32 false
sshWorkerMappedPortBase If port mapping is enabled, this specifies the host port number base for the SSH service on worker nodes. (default: 22010) int32 false
dedicatedNetwork Specifies if a dedicated docker network would be created for the cluster. (default: false) bool false

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Machine specifies details about a machine in a node pool.

Field Description Scheme Required
imageID The image ID that will be used for the instances instead of the default image. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: AMI ID. azure: VM Image URN. gcp: VM Image URI. docker: N/A. string false
imageName The image name (e.g., Docker image name) that is used instead of the default image. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: N/A. azure: N/A. gcp: N/A. docker: Docker image name. string false
rootVolumeSize The root volume size in GiBs. (default: 80) int64 false
rootVolumeType The root volume type. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: EBS volume type (default: gp2). azure: Disk storage account type (default: StandardSSD_LRS). gcp: Disk type (default: pd-ssd). docker: N/A. string false
rootVolumeIOPS The root volume IOPS. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: EBS volume IOPS (default: 1000 for control plane nodes). azure: N/A. gcp: N/A. docker: N/A. int32 false
imagefsVolumeEnabled Whether to enable dedicated disk for image filesystem (for example, /var/lib/containerd). (default: true) bool false
imagefsVolumeSize The size of imagefs volume in GiBs. (default: 160) int64 false
imagefsVolumeType The volume type for the imagefs volume. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: EBS volume type (default: gp2). azure: Disk storage account type (default: Standard_LRS). gcp: Disk type (default: pd-ssd). docker: N/A. string false
imagefsVolumeDevice The device name of the imagefs volume. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: Device name (default: xvdb). azure: N/A. gcp: N/A. docker: N/A. string false
type The machine type. Depending on the provisioner, the meaning is different. aws: EC2 instance type (default: m5.xlarge for control plane, m5.2xlarge for workers). azure: VM type (default: Standard_D4s_v3 for control plane, Standard_D8s_v3 for workers). gcp: Machine type (default: n1-standard-4 for control plane, n1-standard-8 for workers). docker: N/A. string false
aws AWS provisioner specific configurations. AWSMachineOpts false
azure Azure provisioner specific configurations. AzureMachineOpts false
gcp GCP provisioner specific configurations. GCPMachineOpts false
vsphere vSphere provisioner specific configurations. VSphereMachineOpts false

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MachinePool describes a node pool that will be provisioned by the provisioner.

Field Description Scheme Required
name The unique name that defines a node pool. string true
indexType Determines how to index a node pool. It can be one of the following. named:\n The node pool is referenced using its name.\n This means one can update or delete the node pool without affecting other node pools.\npositional (DEPRECATED):\n The node pool is referenced using its position in the node pool list.\n This means deleting the node pool would affect subsequent positional node pools in the node pool list.\n This type has been DEPRECATED in favor of named node pools.\n(default: named) string false
controlPlane Determines if a node pool contains Kubernetes Master nodes (control plane). Only one such node pool can exist. (default: false) bool false
bastion Determines if a node pool contains bastion hosts. Only one such node pool can exist. (default: false) bool false
count The number of nodes in a node pool. You should set the count to an odd number controlPlane is set to true to help keep etcd store consistent. A node pool count of 3 is considered “highly available” (HA) to protect against failures. (default: 4 for worker pool, 3 for control plane pool) int32 true
machine Details about the machines in the node pool. Machine false
autoscaling Autoscaling configurations for the node pool. AutoscalingOptions false

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SSHCredentials describes the options passed to the provisioner regarding the ssh keys.

Field Description Scheme Required
user The user name to use when accessing a machine through ssh. (default: centos) string true
publicKeyFile The path and name of the public key file to use when accessing a machine through ssh. (default: <clustername>-ssh.pub) string true
privateKeyFile The path and name of the private key file to use when accessing a machine through ssh. If not set, Konvoy will assume the key presents in ssh-agent. (default: <clustername>-ssh.pem) string false

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ForwardingRule contains details for the kube-apiserver ForwardingRule / LoadBalancer.

Field Description Scheme Required
internal Set to true to make the ForwardingRule / LoadBalancer internal. (default: false) bool false

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GCPMachineOpts is gcp specific options for machine.

Field Description Scheme Required
iam IAM represents access control details. IAMSA false
subnetIDs GCP Subnets to launch the instances into. []string false
associatePublicIPAddress Whether to associate an external IP with each instance in the node pool. GCP will effectively create a ONE_TO_ONE_NAT NAT IP for each instance. (default: true) bool false

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GCPProviderOptions describes GCP provider specific options.

Field Description Scheme Required
region GCP region where you cluster is hosted. (default: us-west1) string false
network GCP VPC Network specific options for the cluster. Network false
zones GCP zones to deploy a cluster in a region. (default: [\"us-west1-a\", \"us-west1-b\", \"us-west1-c\"]) []string false
forwardingRule GCP forwarding rule for the kube-apiservers. ForwardingRule false
tags Additional tags for the resources provisioned through the Konvoy CLI. []string false
labels Additional labels for the resources provisioned through the Konvoy CLI. (default: {owner: <username>}) map[string]string false

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IAMSA contains ServiceAccount and policy information to use instead of creating one.

Field Description Scheme Required
serviceAccount GCP service account and policies to use. If not set, Konvoy will automatically create the service account and policies. ServiceAccount false

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Network contains the network information required if using an existing network.

Field Description Scheme Required
selfLink The self link reference to the VPC network where the cluster should be launched. If not set, Konvoy will provision a new VPC network. string false
routerSelfLink The self link reference to the router to be used by Konvoy. If not set, Konvoy will provision a new router in the VPC network. string false
natSelfLink The self link reference to the NAT router to be used by Konvoy. If not set, Konvoy will provision a new NAT router in the VPC network. string false
createInternetGatewayRoute Whether to create a default route to the Internet Gateway in the VPC network. This option is ignored if using a pre-existing VPC network. (default: true) bool false

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ServiceAccount describes GCP service account and policy information.

Field Description Scheme Required
name The name of the service account. string false
role The role name to use to bind to the service account. string false

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AvailabilitySet contains the availability_set information.

Field Description Scheme Required
faultDomainCount The amount of VMs with common storage as well as a common power source and network switch. (default: 3) int32 false
updateDomainCount The amount of VMs and underlying physical hardware that can be rebooted at the same time. (default: 3) int32 false

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AzureMachineOpts is azure specific options for machine.

Field Description Scheme Required
subnetIDs Azure Subnets to launch the VMs into. []string false

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AzureProviderOptions describes azure provider specific options.

Field Description Scheme Required
location Azure location where your cluster will be hosted. (default: eastus2) string false
vnet Azure VNET specific options for the cluster. VNET false
availabilitySet Azure availability sets defines grouping capability for isolating VMs from each other. AvailabilitySet false
loadbalancer Azure LoadBalancer configurations for the kube-apiservers. LoadBalancer false
tags Additional Azure tags for the resources provisioned through the Konvoy CLI. (default: {owner: <username>}) map[string]string false

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LoadBalancer contains details for the kube-apiserver LoadBalancer.

Field Description Scheme Required
internal Set to true to make the LoadBalancer internal. (default: false) bool false
apiServerPort Port on which Kubernetes apiserver is accessible. (default: 6443) int32 false

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VNET contains the virtual network information required if using an existing virtual network

Field Description Scheme Required
name Name of the virtual network where the cluster should be launched. If not set, Konvoy will provision a new virtual network. string false
cidr The CIDR block to use for the virtual network address space. If using an existing virtual network, set it to its CIDR block. (default: string false
resourceGroup The name of the Resource group to be used by Konvoy. string false
routeTable The name of the route table to be used by Konvoy. Konvoy will add routes to this route table. string false

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AWSMachineOpts is aws specific options for a machine in a node pool.

Field Description Scheme Required
kmsKeyID The ID of the KMS key used for encryption at rest. EBS encryption (default: no volume encryption). string false
iam AWS IAM represents access control details. IAM false
subnetIDs AWS Subnets to launch the instances into. []string false
associatePublicIPAddress Whether to associate a public IP with each instance in the node pool. (default: true) bool false
spotBlockOpts Options to make the machine pool backed by spot instances SpotBlockOptions false
securityGroupIDs AWS Security Group IDs the machine will be assigned. []string false

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AWSProviderOptions describes AWS provider specific options.

Field Description Scheme Required
region AWS region where your cluster is hosted. (default: us-west-2) string false
vpc AWS VPC specific options for the cluster. VPC false
availabilityZones Availability zones to deploy a cluster in a region. (default: [\"us-west-2c\"]) []string false
elb AWS ELB configurations for the kube-apiservers. ELB false
tags Additional tags for the resources provisioned through the Konvoy CLI. (default: {owner: <username>}) map[string]string false
skipMetadataAPICheck Terraform -> Skip the AWS Metadata API check. Useful for AWS API implementations that do not have a metadata API endpoint. Setting to true prevents Terraform from authenticating via the Metadata API. (default: false) bool false

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ELB contains details for the kube-apiserver ELB.

Field Description Scheme Required
internal Set to true to make the ELB internal. (default: false) bool false
subnetIDs AWS Subnet IDs where ELBs will be launched on. []string false
apiServerPort Port on which Kubernetes apiserver is accessible. (default: 6443) int32 false
securityGroupIDs AWS Security Group IDs the ELBs will be assigned. []string false

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IAM contains role information to use instead of creating one.

Field Description Scheme Required
instanceProfile The instance profile for the nodes in a node pool. If not set, Konvoy will automatically create roles and policies. InstanceProfile false

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InstanceProfile describes the role to use for instances.

Field Description Scheme Required
arn ARN of the role with policies required to run a Kubernetes cluster. string false
name Name of the role with policies required to run a Kubernetes cluster. string false

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SpotBlockOptions to configure spot options

Field Description Scheme Required
spotDuration Minutes the spot block will last for (default: 0) int32 false
allowUnfulfilled Allows spot workers to be unfulfilled if all requests aren’t filled by a node (default: false) bool false
spotPrice The maximum price to request on the spot market string false
creationTimeout Creation Timeout string false

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VPC contains the VPC specific options for the cluster.

Field Description Scheme Required
ID The ID of the AWS VPC where the cluster should be launched. If not set, Konvoy will provision a new VPC. string false
cidr The CIDR block to use for the AWS VPC. If using an existing VPC, set it to the CIDR block for that VPC. (default: string false
routeTableID The ID of the AWS RouteTable to be used by Konvoy. Konvoy will add routes to this route table if EnableInternetGateway is set. If a custom VPC is used and OverrideDefaultRouteTable is set, this field needs to be set to the ID of the default route table of the VPC. This field should not be set when a new VPC will be created. string false
overrideDefaultRouteTable Whether to override default route table in the VPC. If set, Konvoy will take over the default route table, and delete all existing routes in the default route table. (default: true) bool false
internetGatewayID The ID of the AWS Internet Gateway to use for the cluster. This field must not be set if EnableInternetGateway is set. Konvoy will add a route to the IGW specified if specified. string false
enableInternetGateway Whether to create an AWS Internet Gateway in a VPC. (default: true) bool false
enableVPCEndpoints Whether to create AWS VPC Endpoints in a VPC. Creating this allows Kubernetes cloud provider and AWS CSI drivers to talk to the AWS services without IGW. (default: false) bool false
ec2SecurityGroupIDs AWS Security Group IDs the EC2 Endpoint will be assigned. []string false
elbSecurityGroupIDs AWS Security Group IDs the ELB Endpoint will be assigned. []string false

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Inventory holds the inventory properties.

Field Description Scheme Required
control-plane Describes configurations for the control plane node pool. InventoryNodePool true
node Describes configurations for the worker node pool. InventoryNodePool true
bastion Describes configurations for the bastion host node pool. InventoryNodePool true
all Describes configurations for all nodes. InventoryNodePool true

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InventoryHost holds the inventory host properties.

Field Description Scheme Required
ansible_host The Ansible host. string true
ansible_port The Ansible port. string true
node_pool The name of the node pool. string true

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InventoryNodePool holds the inventory nodePool properties.

Field Description Scheme Required
hosts Map of hosts using IP as the key. map[string]InventoryHost false
vars Ansible variables. InventoryVars false

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APIServer describes the settings for the api-server.

Field Description Scheme Required
targetRamMB Specifies the --target-ram-mb flag for the apiserver. string false

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AddonConfig is a quick reference to an Addon.

Field Description Scheme Required
name The name of the addon. string true
enabled Enables the addon to be deployed. bool true
values Overrides the values found in default addon configuration file. Maps are merged while values and arrays are replaced. string false

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AddonRepository describes in-cluster helm and kudo configuration used during air-gapped installation.

Field Description Scheme Required
image The image of the addon chart and package repository to deploy in the cluster used during air-gapped installations. string false

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Addons describes an addon repository to use for the cluster.

Field Description Scheme Required
configRepository The git repository of the addon repository to use. (default: https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-base-addons) string false
configVersion The version of the addon configuration files to use. (default: master) string false
addonRepository In-cluster package configuration used during air-gapped installations. AddonRepository false
addonsList List of addon objects that can be deployed, if enabled. AddonConfigs false

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AdmissionPlugins configures Kubernetes admission plugins.

Field Description Scheme Required
enabled List of admission plugins to enable. (default: [\"AlwaysPullImages\", \"NodeRestriction\"]) []string false
disabled List of admission plugins to disable. []string false

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AutoProvisioning contains configurations for the auto provisioner.

Field Description Scheme Required
config Helm value overrides for the auto-provisioning helm chart. You can specify arbitrary YAML/JSON object for this field. The specified value overrides will need to conform to the schema defined for the chart. apiext.JSON false
disabled Disabled skips the installation of the auto-provisioning components, the default is false. bool false

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CalicoContainerNetworking describes Calico CNI

Field Description Scheme Required
version The version of the Calico CNI plugin. string false
encapsulation The encapsulation mode. The supported modes are: ipip. vxlan. (default: ipip) [none](no encapsulation) string false
mtu The MTU to use for the veth interfaces. (default: depends on encapsulation and provisioner) int32 false

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Certificate contains information about an X.509 certificate.

Field Description Scheme Required
subjectAlternativeNames List of Subject Alternative Names (SAN) for the control plane endpoint. []string false

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CloudProvider describes the options passed to Kubernets cloud-provider options.

Field Description Scheme Required
provider Kubernetes cloud provider to use. (default: aws) string false

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ClusterConfiguration describes Kubernetes cluster options.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta true
spec ClusterConfigurationSpec false

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ClusterConfigurationSpec is the spec that contains the Kubernetes cluster options.

Field Description Scheme Required
kubernetes Kubernetes specific properties. Kubernetes false
autoProvisioning Auto provisioning specific properties. AutoProvisioning false
containerNetworking Container networking specific properties. ContainerNetworking false
containerRuntime Container runtime specific properties. ContainerRuntime false
imageRegistries Container image registries related settings. []ImageRegistry false
osPackages Configure OS packages repositories. OSPackages false
ntp NTP configuration NTP false
nodePools Node pool configurations. []NodePool false
addons List of addons that can be deployed. []Addons false
version Version of the cluster. string false
loggingOptions LoggingOptions information with settings for the logging system environment LoggingOptions false

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ConfigData represents a file configuration for a Konvoy cluster component. It also specifies whether or not the configuration should be imported into the corresponding data. With a containerd version lower than v1.3.0 the ConfigData content can be merge or completely replace the existing configuration.

Field Description Scheme Required
data TOML configuration of containerd to be merged/replaced, or imported with versions (>=v1.3.0). string true
replace Enable to use configData.data. Otherwise, merge configData.data with the internal default. (default: false) bool true

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ContainerNetworking describes the CNI used by Kubernetes.

Field Description Scheme Required
calico Calico specific configurations. CalicoContainerNetworking false

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ContainerRuntime describes the runtime used by the Kubelet.

Field Description Scheme Required
containerd Containerd specific configurations. ContainerdContainerRuntime false

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ContainerdContainerRuntime describes containerd runtime options.

Field Description Scheme Required
version The version of the containerd runtime. string false
configData Contains data for configuring the containerd runtime. ConfigData false

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ControlPlane contains all control plane related configurations.

Field Description Scheme Required
controlPlaneEndpointOverride Overrides the control_plane_endpoint from inventory.yaml. string false
certificate Certificate related configurations for the control plane. Certificate false
keepalived Keepalived configurations. Keepalived false

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Etcd describes the settings for Etcd.

Field Description Scheme Required
imageRepository The imageRepository to pull the etcd image from. “/etcd” will be appended at the end before pulling. (default: k8s.gcr.io) string false
imageTag The imageTag of etcd image to use, defaulted internally to the kubernetes version default. string false

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GPU represents an object that contains details of user defined GPU info.

Field Description Scheme Required
nvidia NVIDIA specific configuration. Nvidia false

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IPTables describes different iptable modifications options that will be performed by Konvoy.

Field Description Scheme Required
addDefaultRules If true add default rules to allow cluster communication. (default: false) bool false

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ImageRegistry describes the docker image registries that are automatically configured to be used by the ContainerRuntime.

Field Description Scheme Required
server The full address including https:// or http:// and an optional port. string false
username The registry user name. string false
password The registry password. This setting requires you to provide a value for the username setting. string false
auth Contains the base64 encoded username:password. string false
identityToken Used to authenticate the user and get an access token. string false
default When set true, containerd will be configured to try to pull images from this registry first, before pulling from any external registries. Konvoy will also use this registry to push images to when doing an air-gapped installation. bool false

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Keepalived describes different keepalived related options.

Field Description Scheme Required
interface The interface to run keepalived on. If not set, Konvoy will automatically guess the interface. string false
vrid The Virtual Router ID (VRID) for keepalived. If not specified, Konvoy will randomly assign a VRID. int32 false

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Kubelet describes the settings for the Kubelet.

Field Description Scheme Required
cgroupRoot Specifies the--cgroup-root flag for the Kubelet. string false
kubeReserved Specifies the --kube-reserved flag for the Kubelet, on all of the nodes in the cluster. string false

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Kubernetes controls the options used by kubeadm and at other points during installation.

Field Description Scheme Required
version The version of Kubernetes to deploy. (default: 1.20.13) string false
imageRepository The imageRepository to pull the control-plane images from. (default: k8s.gcr.io) string false
controlPlane Control plane specific configurations. ControlPlane false
networking Cluster networking specific configurations. Networking false
cloudProvider Cloud provider specific configurations. CloudProvider false
admissionPlugins Configurations for admission plugins. AdmissionPlugins false
preflightChecks Configurations for preflight checks. PreflightChecks false
apiserver Configurations for APIServer. APIServer false
kubelet Configurations for Kubelet. Kubelet false
etcd Configurations for Etcd. Etcd false

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LoggingOptions describes logging system options.

Field Description Scheme Required
persistentStorage PersistentStorage specifies how logs are stored. The detault is persistent. bool false
logRotationSize LogRotationSize specifies the maximum size for individual journal files stored persistently in journald. The default is 1G. string false
logRetentionTime LogRetentionTime specifies the maximum time to store journal entries. The default is 1 month. string false
logKeepFreePercentage LogKeepFreePercentage specifies how much disk space systemd must leave free. The default is 20%. string false
logMaxUsageSize LogMaxUsageSize specifies the maximum size the journal can use. The default is 8G. string false

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NTP describes different NTP options.

Field Description Scheme Required
autoConfigure If true will automatically configure chrony (default: true) bool false

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Networking describes different networking related options.

Field Description Scheme Required
podSubnet The CIDR range where each pod IP will be assigned from. (default: string false
serviceSubnet The CIDR range where each service VIP will be assigned from. (default: string false
httpProxy The address to the HTTP proxy to set HTTP_PROXY env variable during installation. string false
httpsProxy The address to the HTTPs proxy to set HTTPS_PROXY env variable during installation. string false
noProxy List of addresses to pass to NO_PROXY. All node addresses, podSubnet, serviceSubnet, controlPlane endpoint and and localhost are automatically set. []string false
iptables OS iptables configuration. IPTables false

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NodeLabel represents a Kubernetes node label.

Field Description Scheme Required
key The label key to be applied to a node. string true
value The label value corresponding to the label key. string true

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NodePool is an object that contains details of a node pool such as its name, taints and labels.

Field Description Scheme Required
name The name of the node pool corresponding to that in ClusterProvisioner.spec.nodePool. (default: control-plane for control plane, worker for workers) string true
labels User defined labels to set on all nodes in the node pool. []NodeLabel false
taints User defined taints to set on all nodes in the node pool. []NodeTaint false
gpu Configuration for any GPU enabled nodes in the node pool. GPU false
operatingSystem Operating System specific configuration OperatingSystem false

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NodeTaint represents a Kubernetes taint to be applied to a node.

Field Description Scheme Required
key The taint key to be applied to a node. string true
value The taint value corresponding to the taint key. string true
effect The effect of the taint on pods that do not tolerate the taint. Valid effects are NoSchedule, PreferNoSchedule and NoExecute. string true

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Nvidia defines the user configuration of Nvidia specific info.


OSPackages configures the installation of linux package and related properties.

Field Description Scheme Required
enableAdditionalRepositories Enable the installation of D2iQ, Kubernetes and Docker OS repositories. (default: true) bool false

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OperatingSystem defines user overrides for OS specific configuration

Field Description Scheme Required
assumeDistribution Override the automatically determined OS distribution Valid values are CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu, Debian string false

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PreflightChecks describes the set of preflight checks to be performed.

Field Description Scheme Required
errorsToIgnore A list of errors to ignore for Ansible preflight checks. (default: depends on provisioner used) []string false

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