Add, Change, and Remove Nodes

Add, change, and remove nodes your Konvoy cluster

NOTE: The operations described in this document apply only to healthy clusters. If you are attempting to recover from a node failure, see Replace a Failed Node, or Replace a Failed Control Plane Node, instead.

Add Nodes to an AWS, Azure, or GCP Cluster

NOTE: This process only applies to clusters whose infrastructure Konvoy provisions, using Terraform. If your cluster is provisioned manually, follow the steps in Add Nodes to an On-Premises Cluster.

After you use konvoy to provision an AWS, Azure, or GCP cluster, you can use it to add more nodes. To safely add nodes, make sure your current working directory contains the following:

├── admin.conf                  | Kubeconfig for the cluster administrator
├── cluster.yaml                | Cluster configuration
├── cluster-ssh-key.pem         | SSH private key
├──         | SSH public key, copied to nodes
├── inventory.yaml              | Ansible inventory
└── state                       | Directory for terraform state
    └── terraform.tfstate       | Terraform state

NOTE: A custom Terraform configuration that uses remote state, for example, using AWS S3, may not require the state directory.

With these files in the current working directory, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Run konvoy get nodepools
  2. Find the relevant node pool entry, probably worker, and observe the number of nodes in the COUNT column.
  3. Run konvoy scale nodepool <NAME> --count <NUMBER> to change the number of nodes.
  4. Run konvoy up to apply the change.

To see the new nodes, run kubectl get nodes --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp. The newest nodes are at the bottom of the list.

Add Nodes to an On-Premises Cluster

NOTE: This process only applies to clusters whose infrastructure is provisioned manually. This includes on-premises clusters, and AWS, Azure, or GCP clusters whose infrastructure is not provisioned by Konvoy.

To safely add nodes, make sure your current working directory contains the following:

    ├── admin.conf                  | Kubeconfig for the cluster administrator
    ├── cluster.yaml                | Cluster configuration
    ├── cluster-ssh-key.pem         | SSH private key
    ├──         | SSH public key, copied to nodes
    └── inventory.yaml              | Ansible inventory

In manually provisioned environments, or on-premises, each node must have:

  1. An IP address reachable from the environment where konvoy runs.
  2. A user whose SSH authorized keys include the cluster SSH public key.
  3. A running SSH daemon.

With this information and the files above, proceed with the following steps:

  1. To add nodes to a new node pool, add the node pool to cluster.yaml. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

    1. Open cluster.yaml. Find the nodePools field.

    2. Add an entry, consistent with the following format:

      kind: ClusterConfiguration
        - name: newname
    3. Save cluster.yaml.

  2. Open inventory.yaml. If you are adding a node, find the node field. If you are adding a control plane node, find the control-plane field.

  3. Add an entry to the hosts field, consistent with the following format:

    node:                               # The field for nodes. The `control-plane` field is for control plane nodes only.
      hosts:                            # The field for the list of hosts                    # The IP address of the host
          ansible_host:   # The IP address for SSH, only if different from the above IP address
          ansible_port: 2022            # The SSH port, only if different from 22
          node_pool: newname            # The node pool name
          controlplane: false           # Is the node a control-plane node
          bastion: false                # Is the node a bastion node
  4. Save inventory.yaml.

  5. Run konvoy up to apply the change.

Change Nodes in an AWS, Azure, or GCP Cluster

NOTE: This process only applies to clusters whose infrastructure Konvoy provisions, using Terraform. If your cluster is provisioned manually, follow the steps in Adding Nodes to an On-Premises Cluster.

Sometimes you need to change the nodes you have already deployed. For example, to use a newer machine image, you must change a imageID property of the node pool to the ID of the newer machine image.

IMPORTANT: If you change some properties of a deployed node pool, and run `konvoy provision` or konvoy up, konvoy may destroy and re-create the machines in the node pool, disrupting your workloads on these machines. Konvoy prevents disruptive changes to the control plane node pool.

To avoid disrupting workloads on a node pool, migrate them to a new node pool. To safely migrate workloads, make sure your current working directory contains the following:

    ├── admin.conf                  | Kubeconfig for the cluster administrator
    ├── cluster.yaml                | Cluster configuration
    ├── cluster-ssh-key.pem         | SSH private key
    ├──         | SSH public key, copied to nodes
    ├── inventory.yaml              | Ansible inventory
    └── state                       | Directory for terraform state
        └── terraform.tfstate       | Terraform state

NOTE: A custom Terraform configuration that uses remote state, for example, using AWS S3, may not require the state directory.

With these files in the current working directory, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Run konvoy create nodepool <NAME_OF_NEW_NODE_POOL> to create a new node pool to provide resources for your workloads. Use the --from <NAME_OF_EXISTING_NODE_POOL> flag to copy configuration from an existing node pool.
  2. Run konvoy up to apply the change.
  3. Run konvoy drain nodepool <NAME_OF_EXISTING_NODE_POOL> to move workloads from the existing node pool. For more information on draining, see Safely Drain a Node.
  4. Verify that your workloads are running on other nodes and that they are healthy.
  5. Run konvoy scale nodepool <NAME_OF_EXISTING_NODE_POOL> --count=0 to remove all machines from the existing node pool.
  6. Run konvoy up to apply the change.

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