Konvoy required domains

Konvoy needs certain domains to download required images.

You must have access to the following domains through the customers networking rules so that Konvoy can download all required images:

  • docker.elastic.org
  • download.docker.com
  • gcr.io
  • github.com
  • grafana.com
  • k8s.gcr.io
  • kubernetes.github.io
  • mesosphere.github.io
  • mirror.centos.org
  • ntp.org
  • nvidia.github.io
  • packages.cloud.google.com
  • prometheus-community.github.io
  • quay.io
  • raw.githubusercontent.com
  • registry.hub.docker.com
  • stakater.github.io
  • storage.googleapis.com

For the deploy host, make sure domains registry.hub.docker.com, mesosphere.github.io, and github.com are accessible.

NOTE: In an airgap installation, these domains do not need to be accessible.

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