Custom Domain

Configure a custom domain for Konvoy

Configure Konvoy to use a custom domain

To configure a custom domain, update the konvoyconfig addon in cluster.yaml and apply the changes using konvoy up:

The hostname, for example mycluster.domain.dom in these examples, must be resolvable from the client (your browser) and from the cluster.

- name: konvoyconfig
  enabled: true
  values: |
        clusterHostname: mycluster.domain.dom
        caSecretName: <secret name>

Use external-dns to create a CNAME (Optional)

You can automate the process of creating a CNAME record for your ELB by configuring the external-dns and traefik addons:

Configure external-dns controller


In AWS, the external-dns can be configured as:

- name: external-dns
  enabled: true
  values: |
        secretKey: <aws secret key>
        accessKey:  <aws access key>
      region: <aws region>
      preferCNAME: true
    policy: sync
    txtPrefix: local-
    - domain.dom

NOTE: The AWS account must have permissions to update route 53. More details can be found in this documentation.

RFC2136 (for example, BIND and Windows DNS)

In many on-premises environments, DNS entries may be updated using the external-dns RFC2136 provider.

- name: external-dns
  enabled: true
  values: |
    provider: rfc2136
      host: ns1.domain.dom
      port: 53
      zone: domain.dom
      tsigSecret: "96Ah/a2g0/nLeFGK+d/0tzQcccf9hCEIy34PoXX2Qg8="
      tsigSecretAlg: hmac-sha256
      tsigKeyname: externaldns-key
      tsigAxfr: true
    policy: sync
    txtPrefix: local-
    - domain.dom

Configure traefik for external-dns controller

Annotate the traefik Addon with the custom domain name.

- name: traefik
  enabled: true
  values: |
      annotations: mycluster.domain.dom

Configure Konvoy to use custom certificates (Optional)

You can also configure Konvoy to use custom certificates as an additional measure of security.

To configure custom certificates for your domain:


Requires a custom domain with the following:

  • Certificate (in PEM-format)
  • Key (unencrypted RSA private key)
  • CA bundle (intermediate-ca and root-ca certificates in PEM-format concatenated in the same file) for the custom domain


  1. Create the directory extras/kubernetes from the same directory as your cluster.yaml

    mkdir -p extras/kubernetes
  2. Create a secret.yaml file with the certificate, key and CA bundle(s) and place it in extras/kubernetes.

    • Note: in the following example, custom-cert is used as the secret name and later used to modify addons but users can use whatever secret name they prefer.
    kubectl create secret generic custom-cert -n kubeaddons \
      --from-file ca.crt=<path to ca bundle> \
      --from-file tls.crt=<path to certificate file> \
      --from-file tls.key=<path to private key> \
      --dry-run=client \
      --save-config -o yaml > extras/kubernetes/secret.yaml
  3. Update cluster.yaml addons with the custom domain name and the secret name.

    • Set clusterHostname in konvoyConfig to your custom domain.
    • Set the caSecretName in dex-k8s-authenticator, kube-oidc-proxy, and traefik, and traefik-forward-auth to the name of the secret created in Step 2.
      • Note: The following example is a yaml file and the indentation must be maintained.
    - name: konvoyconfig
      values: |
          clusterHostname: mycluster.domain.dom
          caSecretName: <secret name>
    - name: dex-k8s-authenticator
      values: |
          enabled: true
          caSecretName: custom-cert
    - name: kube-oidc-proxy
      values: |
          caSecretName: custom-cert
    - name: traefik
      values: |
          caSecretName: custom-cert
    - name: traefik-forward-auth
      values: |
          caSecretName: custom-cert
  4. Update ClusterConfiguration spec of your cluster.yaml with the custom domain name. That will allow you to login to cluster using kubectl

    kind: ClusterConfiguration
            -  mycluster.domain.dom
  5. Install konvoy.

    konvoy up
  6. Navigate to https://mycluster.domain.dom/ops/landing. Verify the custom certificate is served by the browser.