Disable Audit Log Collection

Audit Logs are enabled and collected by default. If needed, you can disable Audit Log Collection.

Disable Audit Log Collection

Audit Logs are collected using the FluentBit Addon and enabled for collection by default. In some cases this may not be necessary and turning off audit-log-collection would be ideal. This procedure shows how to disable Audit Log Collection.

Before you begin

This procedure requires that you have the FluentBit addon enabled. If this is not the case then no further action is required.

Disable Audit Log Collection

  1. Update your cluster.yaml file’s ClusterConfiguration section with the following values entries to the fluentbit addon entry.

    kind: ClusterConfiguration
    apiVersion: konvoy.mesosphere.io/v1beta1
    name: my-cluster
    creationTimestamp: "2020-06-05T16:57:18Z"
        version: 1.16.8
    - configRepository: https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-base-addons
        - name: fluentbit
          enabled: true
          values: |
              enabled: false

    (Optional) Also, if you wish to remove the Audit Log Dashboard from Kibana, you can update the cluster.yaml file with the following values entry of kibana

    - configRepository: https://github.com/mesosphere/kubernetes-base-addons
        - name: kibana
          enabled: true
          values: |
              enabled: false
  2. With the cluster.yaml file modified, you may now run:

konvoy up -y

The changes will be applied if your cluster already exists or audit-logs not collected if this is the first time running the cluster.

For information on related topics or procedures, refer to the following: