Advanced provisioning options VMWare vSphere (vSphere)

Configure advanced provisioning options for installing Konvoy on VMWare vSphere (vSphere)

This section describes advanced provisioning and configuration options for deploying Konvoy on VMWare vSphere (vSphere).

This section covers the following topics:

  • Generate a generic deployment file
  • Customize instance types, volumes, VM templates, network settings
  • vSphere Datastore usage

Generate a generic deployment file for advanced provisioning

Generating a deployment file is the basis for the entire advanced provisioning options section. It is also good practice to version this cluster.yaml file for repeatable and traceable provisioning.

konvoy init --provisioner vsphere --cluster-name <YOUR_SPECIFIED_NAME>

This command automatically downloads the Konvoy docker image and generates 3 files:

  • cluster.yaml file
  • Konvoy private / public keys (pem / pub) for reaching out to Kubernetes nodes.

After customizing the cluster.yaml with advanced options, start a cluster:

konvoy up

Or, tear down the resources:

konvoy down

Customize instance types, volumes, VM templates, network settings

In Konvoy, you can customize instance types, volumes, and OS images for a cluster:

kind: ClusterProvisioner
  name: konvoy
  provider: vsphere
    port: 443
      - name: dc1
        cluster: zone1
        network: VMs
        datastore: vsanDatastore
        vmFolder: D2iQ
  - name: worker
    count: 4
      imageID: rhel7
      rootVolumeSize: 80
      rootVolumeType: thin
      imagefsVolumeEnabled: true
      imagefsVolumeSize: 160
      imagefsVolumeType: thin
      type: 2xlarge
  - name: control-plane
    controlPlane: true
    count: 3
      imageID: rhel7
      rootVolumeSize: 80
      rootVolumeType: thin
      imagefsVolumeEnabled: true
      imagefsVolumeSize: 160
      imagefsVolumeType: thin
      type: xlarge

Instance types

Using the type field, you can customize the instance type for each node in that node pool.

Override instance type definitions

To override the instance type definitions:

  1. Create an extras/provisioner directory next to the cluster.yaml file.
  2. Change any of the following values to override their instance type definition.
cat <<EOF > extras/provisioner/
variable "vsphere_instance_types" {
  default = {
    "large" = {
      "cpus"   = 2,
      "memory" = 8192,
    "xlarge" = {
      "cpus"   = 4,
      "memory" = 16384,
    "2xlarge" = {
      "cpus"   = 8,
      "memory" = 32768,

Instance volumes

You can customize the instance volumes attached to the instances in that node pool. There are two types of instance volumes:

  • Root volume: The root disk for providing ephemeral storage for the Kubernetes node (except container images if imagefs volume is enabled). The rootVolumeType must match your vSphere template root volume type. E.g. thin, lazy or eagerZeroedThick.
  • Imagefs volume: The dedicated disk for providing storage for container image layers. Imagefs volume is optional. If disabled, the root volume stores container image layers. You can customize the volume sizes (in GB) and the type. E.g. thin, lazy or eagerZeroedThick.

VM Templates

If the default centos7 template name is not set to the template on the datastore where the VMs get started, you must change the imageID to your own template name.

Konvoy is tested with the CentOS Linux 7.

Network settings

You can provide in each spec.NodePools child the vsphere specific settings you need for your network:

- name: worker
  count: 4
    imageID: rhel7
    rootVolumeSize: 80
    rootVolumeType: thin
    imagefsVolumeEnabled: true
    imagefsVolumeSize: 160
    imagefsVolumeType: thin
    type: 2xlarge
          - ipv4Address:
          - ipv4Address:
          - ipv4Address:
          - ipv4Address:

The ipv4Address notation is IP/SubnetCIDR. If it is needed, you can add also a static macAddress per ipv4Address.

- ipv4Address:
  macAddress: 00:50:56:0c:6a:bf
- ipv4Address:
  macAddress: 00:50:56:0c:6a:ff

vSphere Datastore usage

The vSphere CSI driver supports vSAN, as well as NFS and iSCSI shared storage. For utilizing NFS or iSCSI shared storage, you need to tag these datastores first. Tag your NFS storage you want to use with bronze-nfs in a category named Storage, to have an identifier for the VM Storage Policy to be created create next.

Create a VM Storage Policy

  • Name it bronze-nfs
  • Set Datastore specific rules flag Enable tag based placement rules
  • Set Tag category to Storage
  • Set Usage option to Use storage tagged with
  • Add the tag bronze-nfs

Now you have a VM Storage Policy which we can set in the vsphere-csi-driver addon. Change in the cluster.yaml the addon vsphere-csi-driver to:

        - name: vsphere-csi-driver
          enabled: true
          values: |
                storagepolicyname: bronze-nfs

Now with the initial konvoy up the default storageclass is configured to utilize the vSphere storage with the vsphere-csi-driver.

Adding custom Terraform resources for provisioning

You can provide custom *.tf resource files when provisioning. If you create additional resource files, they are used with the default *.tf resource files during the provisioning process.

To add custom resource files for provisioning:

  1. Create a new directory named extras/provisioner/ to contain your custom resource files.

    mkdir -p extras/provisioner
  2. Create a file in the extras/provisioner/ directory to include your custom backend settings.

    cat <<EOF > extras/provisioner/
    terraform {
      backend "swift" {
        container         = "my-konvoy-cluster-terraform-state"
        archive_container = "my-konvoy-cluster-archive"

NOTE: Konvoy merges any files you add to the extras/provisioner directory with the default *.tf resource files during the provisioning process. If you add a file name to the extras/provisioner directory that already exists in the default *.tf resource files, the contents of the default *.tf resource file are replaced with the contents from the custom file you added to the extras/provisioner directory.

  1. Run the konvoy up command.

    As the command runs, the Terraform program merges the resource files and produces output similar to the following:

    Successfully configured the backend "swift"! Terraform will automatically
    use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.

    The output, in this example, indicates that Terraform has successfully merged content from the resource file and stores the state file in your Swift.