Install on AWS

Prepare for and install Konvoy on AWS

This section guides you through the basic steps to prepare your environment and install Konvoy on AWS.

Before you begin

If you are not using an existing VPC, you must be authorized to create the following resources in the AWS account:

  • EC2 Instances
  • VPC
  • VPC Endpoints
  • Subnets
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Internet Gateway
  • NAT Gateway
  • Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Volumes
  • Security Groups
  • Route Tables
  • IAM Roles

If you are using existing infrastructure, a subset of these permissions are required. See below for details.

Below is the minimal IAM policy required when you are not using existing infrastructure.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Konvoy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

If you wish to use an existing VPC, the following permissions are not necessary and can be removed from the set above.


If using an existing Subnet (which requires using an existing VPC), the following permissions are not necessary:


If using an existing set of Security Groups (which requires using an existing VPC), the following permissions are not necessary:



After verifying your prerequisites, you can create an AWS Kubernetes cluster by running konvoy up. This command creates your Amazon EC2 instances, installs Kubernetes, and installs default addons to support your Kubernetes cluster.

NOTE: If you want to customize your installation, you can do so by running the command konvoy init and then editing the cluster.yaml file that was created.

Specifically, the konvoy up command does the following:

  • Provisions three m5.xlarge EC2 instances as Kubernetes master nodes
  • Provisions four m5.2xlarge EC2 instances as Kubernetes worker nodes
  • Deploys all of the following default addons:
    • Calico
    • CoreDNS
    • Helm
    • AWS EBS CSI driver
    • Elasticsearch (including Elasticsearch Exporter)
    • Fluent Bit
    • Kibana
    • Prometheus operator (including Grafana, AlertManager and Prometheus Adapter)
    • Traefik
    • Kubernetes dashboard
    • Operations portal
    • Velero
    • Dex identity service
    • Dex Kubernetes client authenticator
    • Traefik forward authorization proxy
    • Kommander

The default configuration options are recommended for a small cluster (about 10 worker nodes).

Modifying the cluster name

By default, the cluster name is the name of the folder where your run the konvoy command. The cluster name will be used to tag the provisioned infrastructure and the context when applying the kubeconfig file. To customize the cluster name, run the following command:

konvoy up --cluster-name <YOUR_SPECIFIED_NAME>

NOTE: The cluster name may only contain the following characters: a-z, 0-9, . - and _.

Show planned infrastructure changes

Before running konvoy up or konvoy provision it is also possible to show the calculated changes that would be performed on the infrastructure by Terraform.

Running the following command should result in a similar output:

$ konvoy provision --plan-only
Plan: 41 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

NOTE: This command can be run before the initial provisioning or at any point after modifications are made to the cluster.yaml file.

Control plane and worker nodes

Control plane nodes are the nodes where the Kubernetes Control Plane components will be installed. The Control Plane contains various components, including etcd, kube-apiserver (that you will interact with through kubectl), kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager. You can also refer to the Concepts section. Having three control plane nodes makes the cluster “highly available” to protect against failures. Worker nodes run your containers in Kubernetes pods.

Adding custom cloud.conf file

By default, AWS does not require a cloud.conf file for the cloud-provider functionality. If your cluster requires additional configuration, you may specify it by creating a extras/cloud-provider/cloud.conf file in your working directory. Konvoy will then copy this file to the remote machines and configure the necessarily Kubernetes components to use this configuration file.

It is also possible to configure Konvoy to use the files already present on the Kubernetes machines. On the remote machines, create /root/kubernetes/cloud.conf files and Konvoy will configure the necessarily Kubernetes components to use this configuration file.

In the case when both files are specified, the remote /root/kubernetes/cloud.conf file will be used.

Default addons

The default addons help you manage your Kubernetes cluster by providing monitoring (Prometheus), logging (Elasticsearch), dashboards (Kubernetes Dashboard), storage (AWS CSI Driver), ingress (Traefik) and other services.

Viewing installation operations

As noted above, you start the cluster installation by running the konvoy up command. As the konvoy up command runs, you will see the output the operations performed. The first set of messages you see is the output generated by Terraform as it provisions your nodes.

After the nodes are provisioned, Ansible connects to the EC2 instances and installs Kubernetes in steps called tasks and playbooks. Near the end of the output, addons are installed.

Viewing cluster operations

You can access user interfaces to monitor your cluster through the Operations Portal. After you run the konvoy up command, if the installation is successful, the command output displays the information you need to access the Operations Portal.

For example, you should see information similar to this:

Kubernetes cluster and addons deployed successfully!

Run `konvoy apply kubeconfig` to update kubectl credentials.

Run `konvoy check` to verify that the cluster has reached a steady state and all deployments have finished.

Navigate to the URL below to access various services running in the cluster.
And login using the credentials below.

If the cluster was recently created, the dashboard and services may take a few minutes to be accessible.

Checking the files installed

When the konvoy up completes its setup operations, the following files are generated: