
Review detailed Kommander API reference information

This document is automatically generated from the API definition in the code.

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GitopsRepository represents an SCM repository that backs a gitops resource. A gitops resource can be a FluxCD HelmRelease or Kustomization resource.

Field Description Scheme Required
metadata metav1.ObjectMeta false
spec GitopsRepositorySpec true

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GitopsRepositoryList contains a list of Repository.

Field Description Scheme Required
items []GitopsRepository true
metadata metav1.ListMeta false

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GitopsRepositorySpec defines the desired state of GitopsRepository.

Field Description Scheme Required
cloneUrl URL to clone the repository from. string false
secret Reference to the secret to use when interacting with the Git provider API. The secret should contain the following fields:\n username: the username (if password is not a token).\n password: the password or token (required). string false
template Template of the gitops resource backing the repository. GitopsRolloutTemplate false

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Field Description Scheme Required
path Root path to fetch manifests from in the Git repository. string false
ref The Git reference to checkout and monitor for changes, defaults to master branch. This field supersedes the “revision” field in v1alpha1 API and is a breaking change. sourcectrlv1beta1.GitRepositoryRef false
suspend Whether to suspend periodic or webhook-notified sync. bool false

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