Adapt addons/platform applications to Kommander

Adapt Konvoy addons to Kommander

In previous versions of Konvoy, you used Kubernetes Based Addons (KBAs) which are now managed through Kommander and are known as platform applications.

This section automatically adapts your Konvoy addons to Kommander platform applications. Certain applications may need manual configuration changes prior to adapting.

NOTE: Kubernetes distributions contain their own set of addons. These addons are not part of the adoption process.


To successfully adapt your applications, you must have:

  • A Konvoy 1.8.3 or 1.8.4 cluster that you have already upgraded to DKP 2.1, with the kommander addon disabled in your cluster.yaml.

  • Download and install the Kommander CLI binary on your computer.

  • Sufficient disk and resource capacity to support the following applications that come installed by default with Kommander:

    Name Minimum Resources Suggested Minimum Persistent Storage Required
    centralized-grafana cpu: 200m
    memory: 100Mi
    centralized-kubecost cpu: 1200m
    memory: 4151Mi
    # of PVs: 1
    PV sizes: 32Gi
    dex cpu: 100m
    memory: 50Mi
    dex-k8s-authenticator cpu: 100m
    memory: 128Mi
    gitea cpu: 500m
    memory: 512Mi
    # of PVs: 2
    PV sizes: 10Gi
    kommander-flux cpu: 4000m
    memory: 4Gi
    kubefed cpu: 300m
    memory: 192Mi
    traefik-forward-auth-mgmt cpu: 100m
    memory: 128Mi

    Please see workspace platform application requirements to plan for additional requirements your custom workloads may demand.

Prepare your cluster

Check for the following in your existing cluster.yaml:

  • One or more of spec.kubernetes.networking.noProxy, spec.kubernetes.networking.httpProxy or spec.kubernetes.networking.httpsProxy is set in ClusterConfiguration.
  • Gatekeeper is enabled. Gatekeeper is enabled by default, but if you have manually disabled it, re-enable the application by changing the enabled field from false to true in the addons object of the cluster’s ClusterConfiguration and perform a konvoy up to update the addons.

If none of the conditions apply to your cluster, then you can skip to next section. If they do, follow the below steps.

  1. Because Kommander 2.0+ uses Flux to manage applications, you must configure the Gatekeeper mutatingwebhookconfigurations (which is a cluster-scoped resource) to allow dry-run calls. They are required by the Flux kustomize controller to calculate the difference of a resource. To do this:

    kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations gatekeeper-mutating-webhook-configuration

    If there are no mutatingwebhookconfigurations, skip to the next step. This is expected if you set mutations.enable to false in Gatekeeper addon values. If you see the gatekeeper-mutating-webhook-configuration then execute the following:

    kubectl patch mutatingwebhookconfigurations gatekeeper-mutating-webhook-configuration --type "json" -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/webhooks/0/sideEffects", "value": "None"}]'
  2. Update the metadata.annotations of these Gatekeeper resources:

    kubectl annotate mutatingwebhookconfigurations gatekeeper-mutating-webhook-configuration --overwrite ""="kommander-gatekeeper" ""="kommander"
    kubectl annotate assign pod-mutation-no-proxy --overwrite ""="kommander-gatekeeper" ""="kommander"

    If the patch fails because the above resource do not exist, you can ignore those errors.

  3. In the ClusterConfiguration, if you have set one or more of noProxy, httpProxy,or httpsProxy in spec.kubernetes.networking but these values differ from the values section of gatekeeper addon, then you need to update the Gatekeeper addon configuration to match these values. Look up this ConfigMap rendered from spec.kubernetes.networking:

    kubectl get cm kubeaddons-remap-values -nkubeaddons -o=jsonpath={.data.values}

    which should print an output more or less similar to the following:

        enable: true
        enablePodProxy: true
          "": "pod-proxy"
        no-proxy: "<YOUR noProxy settings>"
        http-proxy: "<YOUR httpProxy settings>"
        https-proxy: "<YOUR httpsProxy settings>"

    You need to copy the above configuration into the Addon resource of gatekeeper. Start by printing the current values section:

    kubectl get addon gatekeeper -nkubeaddons -o=jsonpath={.spec.chartReference.values}

    This will print the following output:

    replicas: 2
        enabled: true
    # enable mutations
      enable: false
      enablePodProxy: false
      excludeNamespacesFromProxy: []
      namespaceSelectorForProxy: {}

    Copy the values from the ConfigMap into the Gatekeeper Addon resource accordingly:

    ConfigMap kubeaddons-remap-values .data.values Addon gatekeeper .spec.chartReference.values
    gatekeeper.mutation.enable mutations.enable
    gatekeeper.mutation.enablePodProxy mutations.enablePodProxy
    gatekeeper.mutation.namespaceSelectorForProxy mutations.namespaceSelectorForProxy mutations.podProxySettings.noProxy
    gatekeeper.mutation.http-proxy mutations.podProxySettings.httpProxy
    gatekeeper.mutation.https-proxy mutations.podProxySettings.httpsProxy

    If the values in the Gatekeeper Addon resource already match the values from the kubeaddons-remap-values ConfigMap in kubeaddons namespace, then there is no need to update anything. If not, edit the Gatekeeper Addon to reflect the above value remapping:

    kubectl edit addon -nkubeaddons gatekeeper

    Then, save the changes before continuing with the migration procedure.

Move your applications

If your environment has a HTTP proxy configured, create a TCP connection before running the following command.

To adapt your existing platform applications to Kommander enter the following command:

kommander migrate -y

As the command progresses, your output will look like the following:

 ✓ Checking if migration from DKP 1.x is necessary
Found the following Konvoy 1.x addons:
 ✓ Checking if migration from DKP 1.x is necessary
 ✓ Ensuring applications repository fetcher is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring base resources are deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Flux is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring helm repository configuration is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Kommander Root CA is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Gitea is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Application definitions are deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Bootstrap repository is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Age encryption is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Flux configuration is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Kommander App Management is deployed
 ✓ Ensuring Konvoy Config is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Traefik ingress controller is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Gatekeeper is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Reloader is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring External DNS is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring MetalLB is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Dex is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Traefik Forward Auth is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Kubernetes OIDC proxy is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Dex authenticator is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Kubernetes Dashboard is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Nvidia is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Velero is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Fluent-Bit is migrated and the DKP 2.x Logging Stack is installed
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon elasticsearch orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon elasticsearch-curator orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon kibana orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring KubePrometheusStack (Prometheus and Grafana) is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Prometheus Adapter is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Istio is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Jaeger Operator is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring Kiali is migrated
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of ClusterAddon kommander orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of ClusterAddon awsebscsiprovisioner orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of ClusterAddon cert-manager orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of ClusterAddon defaultstorageclass-protection orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon konvoyconfig orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon opsportal orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring deletion of Addon gatekeeper orphaning its Helm release
 ✓ Ensuring check that there remain no addons and deletion of the Kubeaddons controller

If there is a timeout error at this step, start kommander migrate -y again, and it will eventually continue where this timed out.

If you are upgrading to DKP v2.1.4 or below, check the release notes you will need to confirm that the Traefik Middleware ConfigMap was updated correctly. If you are on at least DKP v2.1.5, continue below.

Refer to the Verify installation topic to ensure successful completion.

Environments with an HTTP proxy server

The kommander migrate command requires a connection from your environment to the Traefik ingress controller in your cluster. If your environment demands the use of an HTTP proxy server, establish an alternative connection to the Traefik ingress controller by running a port-forward into Traefik on a localhost.

  1. Ensure you create or modify the record to include the ingress domain name in your hosts file:

    [root@workstation ~] cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain <ingress_domain_name>
  2. Open a separate terminal window to create a TCP connection to Traefik on your cluster:

    kubectl --kubeconfig admin.conf -n kommander port-forward svc/kommander-traefik 443:443

    NOTE: It is necessary that you open a new terminal window because the kubectl port-forward command does not return, and you need to leave this connection open for the duration of the migration.

  3. From your standard terminal window, continue with the Move your applications section.

    IMPORTANT: Once the migration is completed, revert the changes in your hosts /etc/hosts file.

Post-upgrade cleanup

Depending on what Konvoy addons you had configured, the upgrade may leave Kubernetes objects behind that belonged to Konvoy, but are not used by Kommander. While you can safely disregard these objects, you should not arbitrarily remove or modify them, or use third-party tools (like Helm) that expect these objects to be in a correct state against these objects.

If you want to clean these objects up, you need to perform specific steps after a successful upgrade.

NOTE: Error messages may display during the adaptation process. These messages show a temporary state. These processes will eventually succeed.

Refer to the Verify installation topic to ensure successful completion.