Identity Providers

Grant access to users in your organization

Log in with Username and Password

By default, you can log in to Kommander with the credentials given by the following command to access the Username and Password stored on the cluster:

kubectl -n kommander get secret dkp-credentials -o go-template='Username: {{.data.username|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}Password: {{.data.password|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}'

You can retrieve it anytime using the same command.

You should only use these static credentials to access the D2iQ Kommander Dashboard for configuring an external identity provider. Since there is no way to update static credentials, you should treat them as backup credentials and not use them for normal access. Always log in with your own identity from external identity providers that provide additional security features like Multi-Factor Authentication.

You can perform the following operations on Identity Providers:

Identity Providers

To provide simple access for the users of your organization, you can set up Identity Providers.

Currently, Kommander supports GitHub, LDAP, any standard SAML provider such as OneLogin, and any standard OIDC provider such as Google.

You can configure as many Identity Providers as you like. Users can then select any of those methods when logging in.


Identity Providers

Limit who has access

  • The GitHub provider allows you to specify which organizations and teams are eligible for access.

GitHub Form

GitHub Form

  • The LDAP provider allows you to configure search filters for either users or groups.



  • The OIDC provider cannot limit users based on identity.



  • The SAML provider allows users to log in using a single sign-on (SSO) profile.



Temporarily disabling a provider

Open the actions menu on the Identity Providers table and click Disable. The provider option no longer appears on the login screen.

Identity Provider Table Row Action Menu

Identity Provider Table Row Action Menu


Access control groups are configured in the Groups tab of the Identity Providers page. Refer to Access Control for an overview of groups in Kommander.

Identity Provider Groups

Identity Provider Groups