Access Control

Centrally manage access across clusters

Role-based authorization can be defined centrally within Kommander to control resource access on the management cluster and a set or all of the target clusters. These resources are similar to Kubernetes RBAC but with crucial differences. These resources make it possible to define the roles and policies once and have them federated to clusters within a given scope.

Kommander has two conceptual groups of resources that are used to manage access control:

  • Kommander Roles: control access to resources on the management cluster.
  • Cluster Roles: control access to resources on all target clusters in scope.

These two groups of resources can be used to manage access control within 3 levels of scope:

Context Kommander Roles Cluster Roles
Global Create ClusterRoles on the management cluster. Federates ClusterRoles on all target clusters across all workspaces.
Workspace Create namespaced Roles on the management cluster in the workspace namespace. Federates ClusterRoles on all target clusters in the workspace.
Project Create namespaced Roles on the management cluster in the project namespace. Federates namespaced Roles on all target clusters in the project in the project namespace.

The policies for each level and type create RoleBindings or ClusterRoleBindings on the clusters that apply to each category.

This approach gives you maximum flexibility over who has access to what resources, conveniently mapped to your existing identity providers’ claims.

Special Limitation for opsportal and Kommander Roles

In addition to granting a Kommander Role, you must also grant the appropriate opsportal role to allow external users and groups into the UI. See Konvoy RBAC - OpsPortal for details about the built-in opsportal roles. This role may be automatically added to Kommander role binding subjects in future versions of Kommander. Here are examples of ClusterRoleBindings that grant an IDP group admin access to the opsportal and Kommander routes:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: nat-kommander-ops-portal
    "": ""
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: opsportal-kommander-admin
  - apiGroup:
    kind: Group
    name: oidc:engineering
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: nat-ops-portal
    "": ""
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: opsportal-admin
  - apiGroup:
    kind: Group
    name: oidc:engineering

Types of Access Control Objects

Kubernetes role-based access control can be controlled with three different object categories: Groups, Roles and Policies. These are explained in more detail below.


You can map group and user claims made by your configured identity providers to Kommander groups by clicking the Groups tab under Administration / Identity providers on the global level.

Identity Provider Groups


ClusterRoles are named collections of rules defining which verbs can be applied to which resources.

  • Kommander Roles apply specifically to resources on the management cluster.
  • Cluster Roles apply to target clusters within their scope: at the global level, this is all target clusters in all workspaces, at the workspace level this is all target clusters in the workspace, at the project level this is all target clusters that have been added to the project.

Cluster Roles

Propagating Workspace Roles to Projects

By default, users granted the Kommander Workspace Admin, Edit, or View roles will also be granted the equivalent Kommander Project Admin, Edit, or View role for any project created in the workspace. Other workspace roles are not automatically propagated to the equivalent role for a project in the workspace.

Each workspace has roles defined using KommanderWorkspaceRole resources. Automatic propagation is controlled using the annotation "": "true" on a KommanderWorkspaceRole resource. You can manage this only by using the CLI.

kubectl get kommanderworkspaceroles -n test-qznrn-6sz52
NAME                        DISPLAY NAME                     AGE
kommander-workspace-admin   Kommander Workspace Admin Role   2m18s
kommander-workspace-edit    Kommander Workspace Edit Role    2m18s
kommander-workspace-view    Kommander Workspace View Role    2m18s

To prevent propagation of the kommander-workspace-view role, remove this annotation from the KommanderWorkspaceRole resource.

kubectl annotate kommanderworkspacerole -n test-qznrn-6sz52 kommander-workspace-view

To enable propagation of the role, add this annotation to the relevant KommanderWorkspaceRole resource.

kubectl annotate kommanderworkspacerole -n test-qznrn-6sz52 kommander-workspace-view


Kommander policies, cluster policies and project policies bind a Kommander group to any number of roles. All groups that have been defined in the groups tab will be present at the global, workspace, or project level and are ready for you to assign roles to them.

Cluster Policies