
Purchase a License

You can evaluate Kommander running two clusters, the Kommander host cluster and one additional cluster, for free. If you want to add more clusters, you need a valid license.

To obtain a valid Kommander license, contact your sales representative at After purchase, download the license file from the support website using your login credentials to a place accessible by Kommander.

Enter a Valid License Key

After you have downloaded the license, an administrator must add it to Kommander.

In the Kommander UI, do the following:

  1. Select Global in the workspace header drop-down.
  2. In the side menu, select Administration > Licensing.
  3. Select + Add License.
  4. Paste your license content in the textbox and select Add.

Licenses Form Licenses Form

If there is an error submitting the license, you can add the license directly through kubectl.

Licenses Error Licenses Error

Entering a valid license via kubectl

You can add a license directly using kubectl.

  1. Create a secret, replacing MY_LICENSE in the below command with your D2iQ-provided Kommander license:

    kubectl create secret generic my-license-secret --from-literal=jwt=MY_LICENSE -n kommander
  2. Create a license object:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: License
      name: my-license
      namespace: kommander
        name: my-license-secret

In the above example, your license is named ‘my-license’.

You should then be able to return to the license page in the UI to see your valid license display: License display in the UI Licenses UI

Delete a license

To delete a license from Kommander, you have to delete the Secret and License objects. In this example, the secret is named “my-license-secret”.

  1. Validate that the secret exists in the kommander namespace:

    kubectl describe secret -n kommander my-license-secret

    Expected output:

    Name:         my-license-secret
    Namespace:    kommander
    Labels:       kommanderType=license
    Annotations:  <none>
    Type:         Opaque
    jwt:  455 bytes
  2. Delete the secret from the kommander namespace:

    kubectl delete secret -n kommander my-license-secret

    Expected output:

    secret "my-license-secret" deleted
  3. We do the same with the License object. Validate that it exists in the kommander namespace:

    kubectl describe license -n kommander my-license

    Expected output:

    Name:         my-license
    Namespace:    kommander
    Labels:       <none>
    API Version:
    Kind:         License
      Creation Timestamp:  2020-03-25T14:57:31Z
      Generate Name:       license-
      Generation:          1
      Resource Version:    17895
      Self Link:           /apis/
      UID:                 35ee9254-4094-40eb-a2d8-4687c5d212d9
      License Ref:
        Name:  my-license-secret
      Cluster Capacity:  500
      Customer Id:       mesosphere-developer
      End Date:          2020-10-02T14:00:09Z
      License Id:        mesosphere-developer
      Start Date:        2019-10-02T14:00:09Z
      Valid:             true
      Version:           1.0
      Type    Reason                Age                  From              Message
      ----    ------                ----                 ----              -------
      Normal  LicenseUpdateSuccess  7m7s (x2 over 7m7s)  LicenseSignature  License updated successfully
  4. Delete the license from the kommander namespace:

    kubectl delete license -n kommander my-license

    Expected output: "my-license" deleted

You have now successfully deleted a license.