Deploy Kaptain on DKP 2.x

Deploy Kaptain in air-gapped and networked environments

WARNING: You can deploy Kaptain to a cluster in a selected workspace. If you do not intend to deploy Kaptain to a certain cluster, you must switch the workspace you are deploying to or move that cluster to another workspace.


Ensure you add Kaptain to your DKP Catalog applications before you deploy it to your clusters. Refer to the corresponding documentation for your environment:

Add Kaptain to your DKP Catalog applications in a networked environment

Add Kaptain to your DKP Catalog applications in an air-gapped environment for 2.1

Add Kaptain to your DKP Catalog applications in an air-gapped environment for 2.2

Enable and deploy Kaptain using the DKP UI

Follow these steps to enable Kaptain in air-gapped and networked environments from the DKP UI:

  1. Enterprise only: Select your target workspace, from the top menu bar.

  2. Select Applications from the sidebar menu.

  3. Type Kaptain in the Applications search bar. If Kaptain is not available in the UI, add Kaptain to your DKP catalog as stated in the prerequisite section.

  4. Select the three dot menu > Enable, in the Kaptain tile. The Enable Workspace Catalog Application page is displayed.

  5. Verify that you deploy to the correct target workspace and Clusters.

    • If the workspace is incorrect, go back to the main dashboard and select the correct workspace as in step 1.
    • If you don’t want to deploy Kaptain to all clusters, interrupt deployment and manually move the clusters where you don’t want to deploy Kaptain to another workspace.
  6. Select a version from the drop-down menu, if available. This drop-down menu will only be visible if there is more than one version.

  7. (Optional) If you want to override the default configuration values, copy your customized values into the text editor under Configure Service or upload your yaml file that contains the values. For example:

      externalDexClientId: dex-controller-kubeflow-authservice
      externalDexClientSecret: kubeflow-authservice
  8. Confirm the details are correct, and then select the Enable button to enable and trigger deployment. The status changes to Enabled.

  9. Repeat these steps for each additional workspace, if you want to deploy Kaptain to other workspaces.

Alternately, you can use the CLI to enable your catalog applications.

Verify the status of deployment using the DKP UI

Follow these steps to verify the deployment of Kaptain:

  1. Select Clusters, from the sidebar menu.

  2. Select View Details, from your clusters tile.

  3. Select the Applications tab and scroll down to find the Kaptain tile.

    The status is Deployed when Kaptain’s deployment is successful.

NOTE: It can take several minutes until provisioning finishes and status changes to Deployed.

Enable and deploy Kaptain using the DKP CLI

Follow these steps to enable Kaptain in air-gapped and networked environments from the DKP CLI:

  1. Enable Kaptain to deploy to your existing Management, Managed and Attached clusters with an AppDeployment resource.

  2. Within the AppDeployment, define the appRef to specify which App to enable:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: AppDeployment
      name: kaptain
      namespace: ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
        kind: App
        name: kaptain-2.1.0
  3. Create the resource in the workspace you just created, which instructs Kommander to deploy the AppDeployment to the KommanderClusters in the same workspace.

Enable Kaptain with a custom configuration using the CLI

If you want to customize your installation and modify the custom domain name, external Dex, creation of profiles, certificates, for example, continue with these steps:

  1. Provide the name of a ConfigMap in the AppDeployment, which provides custom configuration on top of the default configuration:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: AppDeployment
      name: kaptain
      namespace: ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
        kind: App
        name: kaptain-2.1.0
        name: kaptain-overrides
  2. Create the ConfigMap with the name provided in the step above, with the custom configuration:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      namespace: ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
      name: kaptain-overrides
      values.yaml: |
          registrationFlow: true

Kommander waits for the ConfigMap to be present before deploying the AppDeployment to the attached clusters.

Verify the status of deployment using the DKP CLI

With Kaptain enabled, connect to the cluster and check the HelmReleases to verify the deployment:

kubectl get helmreleases -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
NAME                      AGE     READY   STATUS
kaptain-1                 3m40s   True    Release reconciliation succeeded

Log in to Kaptain using the management cluster’s Dex instance

  1. Get your Kaptain login credentials:

    kubectl -n kommander get secret dkp-credentials -o go-template='Username: {{.data.username|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}Password: {{.data.password|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}'

    The output displays your username and password.

  2. Discover the Kaptain endpoint:

    • If you are running Kaptain on-premises:
    kubectl get svc kaptain-ingress -n kaptain-ingress  -o go-template='https://{{with index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0}}{{or .hostname .ip}}{{end}}{{ "\n"}}'

    The output displays a URL to your Kaptain instance.

When calling up https://<Kaptain endpoint>, you will see the login page of the management cluster’s Dex instance. After entering your credentials, you will be redirected to Kaptain’s Kubeflow dashboard.

NOTE: It is possible that you receive a browser warning due your instance's self-signed certificate. This instance is safe. You can bypass the warning in the advanced settings of the browser or by typing thisisunsafe once the warning appears (there is no specific field for this).