Kaptain SDK with Tensorflow

Tutorial for Kaptain SDK with Tensorflow

NOTE: All tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format are available for download. You can either download them to a local computer and upload to the running Jupyter Notebook or run the following command from a Jupyter Notebook Terminal running in your Kaptain installation:

curl -L https://downloads.d2iq.com/kaptain/d2iq-tutorials-2.0.0.tar.gz | tar xz

NOTE: These notebook tutorials have been built for and tested on D2iQ's Kaptain. Without the requisite Kubernetes operators and custom Docker images, these notebooks will likely not work.

NOTE: This notebook requires Kaptain SDK 0.4.x or later.

Kaptain SDK: Training, Tuning, and Deploying


To perform distributed training on a cluster’s resources, conduct experiments with multiple parallel trials to obtain the best hyperparameters, and deploying a trained or tuned model typically requires additional steps, such as building a Docker image and providing framework-specific specifications for Kubernetes. This places the burden on each data scientist to learn all the details of all the components.

Instead of doing all the work, using the Kaptain SDK, you can train, tune, and deploy from within a notebook without having to worry about framework specifics, Kubeflow-native SDKs, or even thinking about Kubernetes

What You Will Learn

The Kaptain SDK provides a data science-friendly user experience from within a notebook that hides all the specifics, and focuses on the model as the main abstraction. A model can be trained, tuned, deployed, and tracked.

The example is based on TensorFlow, but it works equally for PyTorch. The original model code can be found in the tutorials MNIST with TensorFlow and MNIST with PyTorch.

The SDK relies on MinIO, an open-source S3-compliant object storage tool, that is already included with your Kaptain installation.

What You Need

All you need is this notebook.


Before proceeding, check you are using the correct notebook image, that is, TensorFlow is available:

pip list | grep tensorflow
tensorflow                    2.4.0
tensorflow-datasets           4.1.0
tensorflow-estimator          2.4.0
tensorflow-metadata           0.26.0

Prepare the Training Code and Data Sets

The examples in this tutorial require a trainer code file mnist.py and a dataset to be present in the current folder. The code and datasets are already available in the other tutorials and can be reused here.

How to Create a Docker Credentials File and Kubernetes Secret

For the tutorial you will need getpass to provide a password interactively without it being immediately visible. It is a standard Python library, so there is no need to install it. A simple import will suffice.

WARNING: Please do not store passwords directly in notebooks. Ideally, credentials are stored safely inside secrets management solutions or provided with service accounts. Please check the section on how to manage secrets in the official Kaptain documentation for more details on how to set up Docker credentials that you can attach to a notebook server. This notebook should be used for demonstration purposes only!

Please type in the container registry username by running the next cell:

import json
import getpass
import pathlib
from base64 import b64encode
docker_user = input()

Enter the password for the Docker container registry when prompted by executing the following code:

docker_password = getpass.getpass()

With these details, base64-encode the username and password and create a Docker configuration file as follows:

# Create a folder to store the Docker configuration file
docker_config_folder = pathlib.Path.joinpath(pathlib.Path.home(), ".docker")

# Write the base64-encoded credentials to the configuration file
docker_credentials = b64encode(f"{docker_user}:{docker_password}".encode()).decode()
config = {"auths": {"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {"auth": docker_credentials}}}
with open(f"{docker_config_folder}/config.json", "w") as outfile:

Adapt the Model Code

To use the Kaptain SDK, you need to add two lines of code to the original model code:

  1. One right after the model training (here: Keras’ fit method), to save the trained model to the cluster’s built-in object storage, MinIO.
  2. Another right after the model evaluation (here: Keras’ evaluate method), to record the metrics of interest.
%%writefile trainer.py
import argparse
import logging

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

from kaptain.platform.model_export_util import ModelExportUtil
from kaptain.platform.metadata_util import MetadataUtil


def get_datasets(buffer_size):
    datasets, ds_info = tfds.load(name="mnist", data_dir="datasets", download=False, with_info=True, as_supervised=True)
    mnist_train, mnist_test = datasets["train"], datasets["test"]

    def scale(image, label):
        image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255.0
        return image, label

    train_dataset = mnist_train.map(scale).cache().shuffle(buffer_size).repeat()
    test_dataset = mnist_test.map(scale)

    return train_dataset, test_dataset

def compile_model(args):
    model = tf.keras.Sequential(
            tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, 3, activation="relu", input_shape=(28, 28, 1)),
            tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation="relu"),
            tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation="softmax"),
            learning_rate=args.learning_rate, momentum=args.momentum
    return model

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TensorFlow MNIST Trainer")
        help="Batch size for training (default: 64)",
        help="Number of training examples to buffer before shuffling" "default: 10000)",
        help="Number of epochs to train (default: 5)",
        help="Number of batches to train the model on in each epoch (default: 10)",
        help="Learning rate (default: 0.5)",
        help="Accelerates SGD in the relevant direction and dampens oscillations (default: 0.1)",

    args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()

    strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy()
    logging.debug(f"num_replicas_in_sync: {strategy.num_replicas_in_sync}")
    global_batch_size = args.batch_size * strategy.num_replicas_in_sync

    train_dataset, test_dataset = get_datasets(buffer_size=args.buffer_size)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(batch_size=global_batch_size)
    test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(batch_size=global_batch_size)

    dataset_options = tf.data.Options()
    dataset_options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy = (
    train_datasets_sharded = train_dataset.with_options(dataset_options)
    test_dataset_sharded = test_dataset.with_options(dataset_options)

    with strategy.scope():
        model = compile_model(args=args)

    # Train the model
    model.fit(train_datasets_sharded, epochs=args.epochs, steps_per_epoch=args.steps)

    # Save the trained model (to MinIO) with the exporter utility

    eval_loss, eval_acc = model.evaluate(test_dataset_sharded, verbose=0, steps=args.steps)

    # Record the evaluation metrics for use with the hyperparameter tuner
    MetadataUtil.record_metrics({"loss": eval_loss, "accuracy": eval_acc})

if __name__ == "__main__":
Writing trainer.py

Define the Model

The central abstraction of the Kaptain SDK is a model:

extra_files = ["datasets/mnist"]
base_image = "mesosphere/kubeflow:2.0.0-tensorflow-2.8.0"
# replace with your docker repository with a tag (optional), e.g. "repository/image"  or "repository/image:tag"
image_name = "mesosphere/kubeflow:mnist-sdk-example"
# name of the file with additional python packages to install into model image (e.g. "requirements.txt")
requirements = None
from kaptain.model.models import Model
from kaptain.model.frameworks import ModelFramework

model = Model(
    description="MNIST Model",

The id is a unique identifier of the model. The identifier shown indicates it is an MNIST model in development.

The fields member and description are for humans: to inform your colleagues and yourself of what the model is about. version is the models’ own version, so it is easy to identify models by their iteration. The framework and framework_version are for the time being human-friendly metadata.

Since a Docker image is built in the background when you train or tune a Model instance, a base_image has to be provided. The name of the final image image_name must be provided with or without image tag. If the tag is omitted, a concatenation of model id, framework, and framework_version is used.

The main_file specifies the name of file that contains the model code, that is, trainer.py for the purposes of this tutorial.

To specify additional Python packages required for training or serving, provide the path to your requirements file via the requirements parameter of the Model class. Details on the format of the requirements file can be found in the pip official documentation.

More details are available with ?Model.

Train the Model

Training the model on 2 nodes is as easy as the following function call:

workers = 2
gpus = 0
memory = "5G"
cpu = "1"
    hyperparameters={"--steps": 10, "--epochs": 5},
    args={}, # additional command line arguments for the training job.
    10/10 [==============================] - 0s 48ms/step - accuracy: 0.2516 - loss: 2.2895
    [I 201214 11:18:01 kubernetes:190] Epoch 2/5
    10/10 [==============================] - 0s 48ms/step - accuracy: 0.4219 - loss: 2.1582
    [I 201214 11:18:02 kubernetes:190] Epoch 3/5
    10/10 [==============================] - 0s 35ms/step - accuracy: 0.5633 - loss: 1.9389
    [I 201214 11:18:02 kubernetes:190] Epoch 4/5
    10/10 [==============================] - 0s 38ms/step - accuracy: 0.5859 - loss: 1.8862
    [I 201214 11:18:03 kubernetes:190] Epoch 5/5
    10/10 [==============================] - 0s 42ms/step - accuracy: 0.6461 - loss: 1.8179
    [I 201214 11:18:06 kubernetes:190] INFO:root:Record metrics.
    [I 201214 11:18:06 kubernetes:190] INFO:root:Metrics saved.
    [I 201214 11:18:07 job_runner:58] Waiting for the training job to complete...
    [I 201214 11:18:07 models:332] Training result: Succeeded

The default gpus argument is 0, but it is shown here as an explicit option. Use ?Model.train to see all supported arguments.

NOTE: When resource quotas are set for a namespace, users have to specify cpu and memory explicitly in the SDK. Otherwise, tasks such as training and tuning will fail with Error creating: pods ... is forbidden: failed quota: kf-resource-quota: must specify cpu,memory. These fields are optional when resource quotas are not set. In case the issue appears for other types of workloads, it is recommended to configure defaults for the user namespace using the Limit Range.

The low accuracy of the model is to make the demonstration of distributed training quicker, as in the next section the model’s hyperparameters are optimized anyway.

Verify the Model is Exported to MinIO

set -o errexit

minio_accesskey=$(kubectl get secret minio-creds-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.accesskey}" | base64 --decode)
minio_secretkey=$(kubectl get secret minio-creds-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.secretkey}" | base64 --decode)

mc --no-color alias set minio http://minio.kubeflow ${minio_accesskey} ${minio_secretkey}
mc --no-color ls -r minio/kaptain/models

Deploy the Model

A trained model can be deployed as an auto-scalable inference service with a single call:

model.deploy(cpu="1", memory="2G")
[I 201214 11:36:13 models:506] Deploying model from s3://kaptain/models/dev/mnist/tuned/f9e0dff3211a4bf8968c95519bedb926
[I 201214 11:36:13 kubernetes:36] Reading secrets dev-mnist-secret in namespace demo.
[I 201214 11:36:13 kubernetes:27] Creating secret dev-mnist-secret in namespace demo.
[I 201214 11:36:13 kubernetes:84] Reading secrets dev-mnist-service-account in namespace demo.
[I 201214 11:36:13 kubernetes:75] Creating service account dev-mnist-service-account in namespace demo.
[I 201214 11:36:50 deployer:93] Model dev/mnist deployed successfully. Cluster URL: http://dev-mnist.demo.svc.cluster.local/v1/models/dev-mnist:predict

The SDK will deploy the latest saved trained or tuned model. It is also possible to specify a custom URI for the model, and GPUs for inference. If the model has already been deployed before, use replace=True to hot-swap it.

Tune the Model

Specify the hyperparameters and ranges or discrete values, and then use the tune method:

trials = 16
parallel_trials = 2
from kaptain.hyperparameter.domains import Double, Discrete

hyperparams = {
    "--learning-rate": Double(0.2, 0.8),
    "--momentum": Double(0.1, 0.5),
    "--epochs": Discrete(["5", "10"]),
    "--steps": Discrete(["100"]),

    args={}, # additional command line arguments to pass to a Trial (TFJob).
[I 201214 11:27:11 experiment_runner:66] Creating experiment mnist-tune-14c4431d in namespace demo
[I 201214 11:27:11 experiment_runner:68] Experiment mnist-tune-14c4431d has been created.
Progress: 100%|=========================|16/16 [time: 07:15, accuracy: 0.9574999809265137, trials running: 0, pending: 0, failed: 0, killed: 0]
[I 201214 11:34:27 experiment_runner:74] Model tuning completed, final status: Succeeded
[I 201214 11:34:27 kubernetes:66] Deleting secret tune-3cc0353f00e4f27f in namespace demo.
[I 201214 11:34:27 models:429] Experiment results:
    parameters: {'--learning-rate': '0.6885679458378395', '--momentum': '0.3915904809621852', '--epochs': '10', '--steps': '100'}, best_trial_name: mnist-tune-14c4431d-wttgxggg
[I 201214 11:34:27 models:432] Copying saved model with the best metrics from the trial to the target location.
[I 201214 11:34:27 models:444] Removing intermediate trial models from the storage.

For more details on the arguments supported by the SDK, execute ?Model.tune in a notebook. Available options are:

  • a list of objectives with a goal for the primary objective based on the objective type (maximize vs minimize)
  • the maximum number of trials, parallel trials, and failed trials
  • the hyperparameter tuning algorithm and any custom algorithm settings

The Kaptain SDK allows individual trials to be run in parallel as well as trained in a distributed manner each.

WARNING: With a large number of parallel trials and a fair number of workers per trial, it is easy to max out on the available resources. If the worker quota for the namespace is Q, the number of parallel trials is P, and the number of workers per trial is W, please ensure that P × WQ

Run canary rollout

To run a canary rollout launch:


This will split the traffic between the last deployed revision and the current latest ready revision. It is also possible to specify a custom URI for the model.

To promote the latest canary deployment run:


This will redirect all the traffic to the deployed canary revision.

Test the Model Endpoint

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def display_image(x_test, image_index):
    plt.imshow(x_test[image_index].reshape(28, 28), cmap="binary")

with np.load("datasets/mnist.npz", allow_pickle=True) as f:
    x_test = f["x_test"] / 255.0

image_index = 1005

display_image(x_test, image_index)


import codecs, json

tf_serving_req = {
    "instances": x_test[image_index : image_index + 1].reshape(1, 28, 28, 1).tolist()

with open("input.json", "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(tf_serving_req, json_file)
set -o errexit
namespace=$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace)

curl --location \
     --silent \
     --fail \
     --retry 10 \
     --retry-delay 10 \
     $url \
    "predictions": [[2.81844894e-14, 1.56485475e-13, 4.98654347e-11, 1.6658154e-08, 4.37566339e-09, 2.91234592e-10, 3.17106647e-15, 8.52349302e-11, 5.57288715e-10, 1.0]

The last class has the largest probability; the neural network correctly predicts the image to be a 9.

This tutorial includes code from the MinIO Project (“MinIO”), which is © 2015-2021 MinIO, Inc. MinIO is made available subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0. The complete source code for the versions of MinIO packaged with Kaptain 2.0.0 are available at these URLs: https://github.com/minio/minio/tree/RELEASE.2021-02-14T04-01-33Z and https://github.com/minio/minio/tree/RELEASE.2022-02-24T22-12-01Z