Install Kaptain on Konvoy / DKP 2.x

Install Kaptain on Konvoy / DKP 2.x


Before proceeding, verify that your environment meets the following basic requirements:

  • Control plane
    • min. 3 nodes
    • min. 4 cores per node
    • min. 200 GiB free disk space per node
    • min. 16 GiB RAM per node
  • Workers
    • min. 6 nodes
    • min. 8 cores per node
    • min. 200 GiB free disk space per node
    • min. 32 GiB RAM per node
  • GPUs (optional)
    • NVIDIA only
    • min. 200 GiB free disk space per instance
    • min. 64 GiB RAM per instance
    • min. 12 GiB GPU RAM per instance

Please note that these numbers are for the bare minimum. Running any real world machine learning workloads on Kaptain bumps these requirements for nodes, CPUs, RAM, GPUs, and persistent disks. In particular, the number of CPU, GPU workers, and RAM, must be increased considerably. The amounts depend on the number, complexity, and size of the workloads, and the amount of metadata and log data stored with each run.

For on premise installations, horizontal scalability is limited by the overall size of the cluster and quotas therein. For cloud installations, scaling out can be limited by resource quotas.

Prerequisites for Konvoy 1.x

  • When installing on Konvoy 1.x, ensure the following Kubernetes base addons that are needed by Kaptain are enabled:

    - configRepository:
      configVersion: stable-1.20-4.1.0
        - name: istio
          enabled: true
        - name: dex
          enabled: true
        - name: cert-manager
          enabled: true
        - name: prometheus
          enabled: true
  • Add the Kaptain addon repository to your Konvoy cluster.yaml to install Kaptain dependencies:

    - configRepository:
      configVersion: stable-1.20-1.4.0
        - name: knative
          enabled: true
  • For GPU deployment, follow the instructions in Konvoy GPU documentation.

  • Then follow the Konvoy documentation to deploy the addons.

Prerequisites for DKP 2.x

For DKP 2.x, ensure the following applications are enabled in Kommander:

  • Use the existing Kommander configuration file, or initialize the default one:

    kommander install --init > kommander-config.yaml
  • Ensure the following applications are enabled in the config:

    kind: Installation
      nvidia:  # to enable GPU support
  • For GPU deployment, follow the instructions in Kommander GPU documentation.

  • Apply the new configuration to Kommander:

    kommander install --installer-config kommander-config.yaml

    Check Kommander installation documentation for more information.

NOTE: Starting from the 1.3 release, Spark Operator is no longer installed by default with Kaptain.

In case you need to run Spark jobs on Kubernetes using Spark Operator, it needs to be installed separately. Use the following instructions to install Spark Operator from Kommander Catalog for your target platform: Konvoy 1.x or DKP 2.x

Install Kaptain

  • Install the kubectl-kudo CLI plugin

  • After the Konvoy cluster has been deployed (including Istio and KNative), install KUDO:

    kubectl kudo init --wait
  • Download kubeflow-1.4.0_1.3.0.tgz tarball.

    NOTE: Starting with Kaptain 1.2.0, automatic profile creation on initial login is now disabled by default. See User Management for more details.

  • Set required configuration based on the target platform:

    • When installing on Konvoy 1.x, add the following configuration to parameters.yaml file:
    cat >> parameters.yaml << END
    dkpPlatformVersion: 1
    installMinioOperator: true
  • When installing on DKP 2.x, add the following configuration to parameters.yaml file:

    # set the OIDC Provider CA bundle
    OIDC_PROVIDER_CA_BUNDLE=$(kubectl get secret kommander-traefik-certificate -n kommander -o jsonpath="{\.crt}")
    cat >> parameters.yaml << END
    oidcProviderBase64CaBundle: ${OIDC_PROVIDER_CA_BUNDLE}
  • Install Kaptain:

    kubectl kudo install --instance kaptain --namespace kubeflow --create-namespace \
      ./kubeflow-1.4.0_1.3.0.tgz \
      -P parameters.yaml
  • If you would like to inject additional annotations to Kaptain’s default kubeflow-ingressgateway Gateway, you can pass in the service annotations as parameters:

    kubectl kudo install --instance kaptain --namespace kubeflow --create-namespace \
      ./kubeflow-1.4.0_1.3.0.tgz \
      -P parameters.yaml \
      -p kubeflowIngressGatewayServiceAnnotations='{"foo": "abc","bar": "xyz"}'
  • Monitor the installation by running:

    kubectl kudo plan status --instance kaptain -n kubeflow

Log in to Kaptain

Once all components have been deployed, you can log in to Kaptain:

  • Discover the cluster endpoint and copy it to the clipboard. If you are running Kaptain on-premises:

    kf_uri=$(kubectl get svc kubeflow-ingressgateway --namespace kubeflow -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}") && echo "https://${kf_uri}"

    Or if you are running Kaptain on AWS:

    kf_uri=$(kubectl get svc kubeflow-ingressgateway --namespace kubeflow -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}") && echo "https://${kf_uri}"
  • Get the login credentials from Konvoy to authenticate:

    • For Konvoy 1.x:
    konvoy get ops-portal
    • For DKP 2.x:
    kubectl -n kommander get secret dkp-credentials -o go-template='Username: {{.data.username|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}Password: {{.data.password|base64decode}}{{ "\n"}}')

Uninstall Kaptain

  • Use the following commands to uninstall Kaptain.

    kubectl kudo uninstall --instance kaptain --namespace kubeflow --wait
    kubectl delete kubeflow-1.4.0-1.3.0 --namespace kubeflow
    kubectl delete kubeflow --namespace kubeflow