Release Notes

Kaptain SDK 0.4.0 Release Notes

New Features

  • PyTorch models can now be served from the SDK using TorchServe
  • Garbage collection support:
    • All resources created during training, tuning, and deployment are labeled that they are managed by Kaptain, and for which model-id they were created.
    • The kaptain.utils object has been added with methods to clean up unused resources: clean_all, delete_experiments
    • The new kaptain.utils object also has methods such as diagnose that can be used to list resources managed by Kaptain
    • Resource cleanup on cell interruption
  • Utilities for ML workloads listing and cleanup:
    • Generic resource utilities: list_all_resources, delete_resource
  • Kaptain uses the Kubeflow Training SDK and now uses the V1beta1 KFServing API (upgraded from V1alpha2)
  • ModelExportUtil().upload_model gains an additional parameter: extra_files
  • kaptain.env now contains helpers for docker builder resource configuration env vars
  • The Kaniko Pod is now cleaned up immediately after the Docker build completion
  • model.tune() gains an additional parameter: delete_experiment
  • model.requirements is added to explicitly specify requirements.txt for models
  • model.train gains a new parameter force_cleanup, which causes the model to be cleaned up after a successful training
  • model.train and model.tune now have a parameter to control the TTL for training jobs


  • Fix an issue that prevented pytorch training single-worker jobs from running
  • Stringify model hyper-parameters and training function arguments