Volume Plugins


Learn how the DC/OS Storage Service integrates with CSI plugins in order to support multiple storage provisioning back-ends

The Container Storage Interface (CSI) is an open specification developed by multiple container orchestrators through interaction with the open source community and storage vendors. Different CSI plugins expose CSI-compliant APIs on top of existing storage solutions, such as those provided by storage vendors (such as Amazon EBS), and technologies like LVM2.

Currently, DSS incorporates some amount of plugin-specific code in order to achieve a seamless user experience with CSI-backed storage on DC/OS. This code, combined with the CSI plugin itself, is called a Volume Plugin. The long term vision is that DSS will not require such plugin-specific code, and will natively integrate with any CSI plugin without additional coding effort.

All volume providers share some common configuration options. However, the plugin-configuration section of a volume provider’s configuration is specific to the volume provider’s plugin. Every volume plugin will have its own set of options that may be configured in the plugin-configuration subsection of the volume provider’s configuration. In the next section we list the configuration options for the various volume plugins. For now this list consists of the LVM plugin, only.


The Devices volume plugin integrates the Devices CSI Plugin with DC/OS. When you create a new volume provider you can specify the plugin.name field as devices in order to create a volume provider that will expose RAW block devices from a node.

The node configuration item of the volume provider must be set to the Mesos agent ID of the server on which the volume provider should be created. This means that devices volume providers are local volume providers.

The Devices plugin admits a single configuration option in the plugin-configuration section of a volume provider’s configuration:


Device blacklist glob for device names that the plugin should not advertise. Please refer to this link for syntax.

The device name should be relative to the Linux /dev directory. It must not contain a leading slash.

Example blacklists

  1. xvdb: blacklist a single device.
  2. xvd[ac]: blacklist two devices whose names share a prefix.
  3. xvd[a-c]: blacklist a range of contiguous devices.
  4. {xvda,xvdb,loop0}: blacklist two devices /dev/xvda, /dev/xvdb as well as the /dev/loop0 device.
  5. loop[0-9]*: blacklist all devices whose names start with loop followed by one or more digits. This blacklists all loop devices.
  6. {sd[a-b],xvd[a-z]}: blacklist two contiguous ranges of devices.
  7. {sda,xvd[a-z]}: blacklist an individual device as well as a contiguous range of devices.
  8. {sda,xvd[a-z],*-csilv*}: blacklist an individual device as well as a contiguous range of devices.
  9. *-csilv*: blacklist LVM volumes created by DSS


By default, the descendants of blacklisted devices are also considered blacklisted. For example, if xvdb is blacklisted, then its child partitions xvdb1 and xvdb2 are also considered blacklisted.

This behaviour can be disabled by setting "blacklist-exactly": true when configuring a devices provider. If it is set to true, the child partitions xvdb1 and xvdb2 will be displayed even if the xvdb device is blacklisted.

Valid values are true and false. This option defaults to false.


Create a devices provider with blacklisted loop devices

  1. The spec.plugin.name field is set to devices.
  2. The node field is set to the ID of the Mesos agent running on the server.
  3. The plugin-configuration field specifies the plugin-specific configuration given in this section. In this case the blacklist field declares that all loopback devices should not be advertised.
    "name": "devices-provider",
    "description": "Expose devices on a node",
    "spec": {
        "plugin": {
            "name": "devices",
            "config-version": "latest"
        "node": "2aada917-0ba0-4041-bb1e-4f16a57cd1a0-S0",
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "blacklist": "loop[0-9]"

Create the devices provider by passing the JSON to the dcos storage provider create command:

cat <<EOF | dcos storage provider create
    "name": "devices-provider",
    "description": "Expose devices on a node",
    "spec": {
        "plugin": {
            "name": "devices",
            "config-version": "latest"
        "node": "2aada917-0ba0-4041-bb1e-4f16a57cd1a0-S0",
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "blacklist": "loop[0-9]"

Change the blacklist of an existing devices provider

WARNING: Be careful when modifying the blacklist of an existing devices provider. Be sure that the new blacklist does not match a device that is currently in use by any LVM providers.

  1. The spec.plugin.name field is set to devices.
  2. The node field is set to the ID of the Mesos agent running on the server.
  3. The plugin-configuration field specifies the plugin-specific configuration given in this section. In this case the blacklist field declares that the xvda and xvdb devices should not be advertised.
    "name": "devices-provider",
    "description": "Expose devices on a node",
    "spec": {
        "plugin": {
            "name": "devices",
            "config-version": "latest"
        "node": "2aada917-0ba0-4041-bb1e-4f16a57cd1a0-S0",
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "blacklist": "{xvda,xvdb}"

Create the devices provider by passing the JSON to the dcos storage provider create command:

cat <<EOF | dcos storage provider create
    "name": "devices-provider",
    "description": "Expose devices on a node",
    "spec": {
        "plugin": {
            "name": "devices",
            "config-version": "latest"
        "node": "2aada917-0ba0-4041-bb1e-4f16a57cd1a0-S0",
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "blacklist": "{xvda,xvdb}"

Now, we want to modify the provider’s blacklist so xvdb will be advertised. We use the dcos storage provider modify command to modify the provider.

cat <<EOF | dcos storage provider modify
    "name": "devices-provider",
    "spec": {
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "blacklist": "xvda"


The LVM volume plugin integrates the LVM CSI plugin with DC/OS. When you create a new volume provider you can specify the plugin.name field as lvm in order to create a volume provider whose storage is backed by LVM. Such a volume provider is called an lvm volume provider.

As LVM2 runs on a single machine, the node configuration item of the volume provider must be set to the Mesos agent ID of the server on which the volume provider should be created on. This means that lvm volume providers are local volume providers.

Provider configuration

The LVM plugin admits a single configuration option in the plugin-configuration section of a volume provider’s configuration:


An array of device names relative to the Linux /dev directory. These devices must be present on the node that the provider is configured on. They must not contain a leading slash.


  1. The spec.plugin.name field is set to lvm.
  2. The node field is set to the ID of the Mesos agent running on the server.
  3. The plugin-configuration field specifies the plugin-specific configuration given in this section. In this case the devices field declares that the /dev/xvdb and /dev/xvdc devices on the server corresponding to node should form part of a LVM2 volume group called volume-group-1.
    "name": "volume-group-1",
    "description": "SSD for database access",
    "spec": {
        "plugin": {
            "name": "lvm",
            "config-version": "latest"
        "node": "2aada917-0ba0-4041-bb1e-4f16a57cd1a0-S0",
        "plugin-configuration": {
            "devices": ["xvdb", "xvdc"]
        "labels": {"rotational": "false"}

Volume configuration

This plugin supports two configuration items that can be specified in the volume-configuration section of a volume profile. In each case, the value must be a string. All volumes that are created with that volume profile will share the volume-configuration.


Maps to the --type= option passed to lvcreate. You can set this parameter to linear or raid1. The default value is linear.

See man lvmraid for more information on --type.


Maps to the --mirrors= option passed to lvcreate. This configuration items can only be specified if type is set to raid1. If specified, this value must be an integer larger than zero (specified as a string). The default value is 1.

See man lvmraid for more information on --mirrors.

Example Volume Profile

  1. The spec.provider-selector.plugin field is set to lvm.
  2. The spec.volume-configuration field specifies the plugin-specific configuration given in this section.
    "name": "safe",
    "description": "RAID-1 volumes.",
    "spec": {
        "provider-selector": {
            "plugin": "lvm"
        "mount": {"filesystem": "xfs"},
        "volume-configuration": {
            "type": "raid1",
            "mirrors": "2"