

Instructions for upgrading the DC/OS Storage Service on a DC/OS Enterprise cluster.

Upgrade the DSS package to 1.0.x from 0.6.x

DSS 1.0 requires DC/OS Enterprise 1.13.2 or higher. Therefore, to upgrade from DSS 0.6 to DSS 1.0, you must also upgrade DC/OS Enterprise.


  • DC/OS Enterprise 1.13.2 or higher.


  • The default behavior of device blacklisting has changed. Unless otherwise specified, all child devices of a blacklisted device will also be blacklisted. See the blacklist-exactly option for more information.
  • DSS configuration options and permissions have changed and require different settings depending on the security mode of the cluster.
  • The volume plugins that ship with DSS 1.0 are newer than those from earlier DSS releases and should also be upgraded to enable full functionality. Plugins should be upgraded after the DSS package has been upgraded.

Upgrading to DSS 1.0.x on permissive security clusters

  1. Add the new DSS .dcos package to the package registry. You can download the .dcos package of the DC/OS Storage Service (DSS) from the Mesosphere support site. You must have a Mesosphere support account in order to download software from this page.
    dcos registry add --dcos-file storage.dcos
  2. Uninstall the currently running DSS package. Uninstalling leaves all storage configurations, devices, volumes, volume profiles, and volume providers intact.
    dcos package uninstall beta-storage
  3. Create a storage principal for DSS, for example:
    dcos security org service-accounts keypair storage-private-key.pem storage-public-key.pem
    dcos security org service-accounts create -p storage-public-key.pem -d "DSS service account" storage-principal
    dcos security secrets create-sa-secret --strict storage-private-key.pem storage-principal storage/storage-private-key
  4. Add the dcos:adminrouter:ops:slave permission by running the following command:
    dcos security org users grant storage-principal dcos:adminrouter:ops:slave full
  5. Create an options JSON file for DSS that refers to the newly-created storage principal. For example, create a file named storage.json with the storage principal account name and secret name in the service section similar to the following:
    cat storage.json
      "service": {
        "principal": "storage-principal",
        "secret-name": "storage/storage-private-key"
  6. Install DSS using the configuration options file you created in the previous step.
    dcos package install storage --package-version=v1.0.0 --options=storage.json

Upgrading DSS to 1.0.x on strict security clusters

  1. Add the new DSS .dcos package to the package registry. You can download the .dcos package of the DC/OS Storage Service (DSS) from the Mesosphere support site. You must have a Mesosphere support account in order to download software from this page.
    dcos registry add --dcos-file storage.dcos
  2. Uninstall the currently running DSS package. Uninstalling leaves all storage configurations, devices, volumes, volume profiles, and volume providers intact.
    dcos package uninstall beta-storage
  3. Add the dcos:adminrouter:ops:slave permission to the existing storage principal (e.g. storage-principal) by running the following command:
    dcos security org users grant storage-principal dcos:adminrouter:ops:slave full
  4. Remove permissions that are not needed by DSS by running the following commands:
    dcos security org users revoke storage-principal dcos:adminrouter:package full
    dcos security org users revoke storage-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:marathon full
    dcos security org users revoke storage-principal dcos:adminrouter:service:storage full
    dcos security org users revoke storage-principal dcos:service:marathon:marathon:services:/ full
  5. Update the existing package options for DSS by adding the enforce-authorization property as in the following example:
    cat storage.json
      "service": {
        "enforce-authorization": true,
        "principal": "storage-principal",
        "secret-name": "storage/storage-private-key"
  6. Install DSS using the configuration options file you updated in the previous step.
    dcos package install storage --package-version=v1.0.0 --options=storage.json

Upgrading the ‘devices’ and ‘lvm’ volume plugins

  1. Upgrade the devices and lvm plugin configurations. Run the following commands to use the default settings:
    dcos storage plugin-configuration generate --name=devices | \
        dcos storage plugin-configuration update
    dcos storage plugin-configuration generate --name=lvm | \
        dcos storage plugin-configuration update
  2. Upgrade every devices and lvm provider to use the latest configuration. For example, to upgrade a single lvm provider named lvm-ssds, run the following command:
    cat <<EOF | dcos storage provider modify
      "name": "lvm-ssds",
      "spec": { "plugin": { "config-version": "latest" } }
  3. Confirm that every provider has been modified to use the latest configuration. For example, to generate a brief report, run the following command:
    dcos storage provider list --json | jq -r '.providers[] |
      [ .spec.plugin.name, .name, .spec.plugin."config-version" ] | @csv'

Manually upgrade the DSS package to 0.6.x from 0.5.x

DSS 0.6 requires DC/OS Enterprise 1.13.0 or higher. Therefore, to upgrade from DSS 0.5 to DSS 0.6, you will also need to upgrade DC/OS Enterprise.

WARNING: Performing this upgrade will remove all DSS-managed plugins, volumes, volume providers, and volume profiles from your cluster. Please back up any important data before proceeding.

Please follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Remove DSS created volumes and volume providers from all agents in the cluster.
  2. Uninstall DSS.
  3. Remove volume, volume providers, and related assets from Zookeeper. There are two ways to do this:
    1. Delete DSS state (/dcos-storage/dss) using the Exhibitor UI at <dcos-url>/exhibitor/exhibitor/v1/ui/index.html; or else
    2. Delete DSS state using the Exhibitor API:
      curl -X DELETE --cacert dcos-ca.crt \
        -H "Authorization: token=$(dcos config show core.dcos_acs_token)" \
        $(dcos config show core.dcos_url)/exhibitor/exhibitor/v1/explorer/znode/dcos-storage/dss
  4. Check agents for lingering CSI plugins and/or DSS-created LVM volumes/groups. Then, for every agent, do the following:
    1. Stop the agent.
    2. Kill all CSI plugin processes (such as, csilvm and devices-plugin).
      pkill csilvm && pkill devices-plugin
    3. Remove files under the Mesos resource provider configuration directory.
      rm /var/lib/dcos/mesos/resource-providers/*
    4. Remove checkpointed CSI volume state.
      rm -r /var/lib/mesos/slave/csi/
    5. Remove the latest symlink for each Mesos resource provider.
      rm /var/lib/mesos/slave/meta/slaves/latest/resource_providers/org.apache.mesos.rp.local.storage/*/latest
    6. Remove any DSS-created LVM volume groups and/or volumes.
      vgremove -f some-volumegroup-name
  5. Upgrade DC/OS Enterprise to 1.13.0.
  6. Install DSS 0.6.
  7. Follow these steps to install device providers on desired nodes.

Manually upgrade the DSS package to 0.5.x from 0.4.x

DSS 0.5 requires DC/OS Enterprise 1.12.1 or higher. Therefore, to upgrade from DSS 0.4 to DSS 0.5, you will also need to upgrade DC/OS Enterprise.

WARNING: Performing this upgrade will remove all DSS-managed plugins, volumes, volume providers, and volume profiles from your cluster. Please back up any important data before proceeding.

Please follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Remove DSS created volumes and volume providers from all agents in the cluster.
  2. Uninstall DSS.
  3. Remove volume, volume providers, and related assets from Zookeeper.
  4. Check agents for lingering CSI plugins and/or DSS-created LVM volumes/groups. Then, for every agent, do the following:
    1. Stop the agent.
    2. Kill all CSI plugin processes (such as, csilvm and devices-plugin).
      pkill csilvm && pkill devices-plugin
    3. Remove files under the Mesos resource provider configuration directory.
      rm /var/lib/dcos/mesos/resource-providers/*
    4. Remove checkpointed CSI volume state.
      rm -r /var/lib/mesos/slave/csi/
    5. Remove the latest symlink for each Mesos resource provider.
      rm /var/lib/mesos/slave/meta/slaves/latest/resource_providers/org.apache.mesos.rp.local.storage/*/latest
    6. Remove any DSS-created LVM volume groups and/or volumes.
      vgremove -f some-volumegroup-name
  5. Upgrade DC/OS Enterprise to 1.12.1.
  6. Install DSS 0.5.
  7. Follow these steps to install device providers on desired nodes.

If DSS 0.4 is not removed before upgrading DC/OS Enterprise to 1.12.1, you might see the following fatal error on agents:

Check failed: update.status().resource_provider_id() == resourceProvider->info.id()

If you encounter this error, please downgrade all failed agents to DC/OS Enterprise 1.12.0 and follow the above steps, then upgrade the agents again.

Manually upgrade the DSS package to 0.4.0 from 0.3.0

WARNING: Performing this upgrade will remove all DSS-managed plugins, volumes, volume providers, and volume profiles from your cluster. Please back up any important data before proceeding.

Please follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Remove DSS created volumes and volume providers from all agents in the cluster.
  2. Uninstall DSS.
  3. Remove volume, volume providers, and related assets from Zookeeper.
  4. Check agents for lingering CSI plugins and/or DSS-created LVM volumes/groups. Then, for every agent, do the following:
    1. Stop the agent.
    2. Kill all CSI plugin processes (such as, csilvm and devices-plugin).
      pkill csilvm && pkill devices-plugin
    3. Remove files under Mesos resource provider configuration directory.
      rm /opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos/resource-providers/*
    4. Remove checkpointed CSI volume state.
      rm -r /var/lib/mesos/slave/csi/
    5. Remove the latest symlink for the agent.
      rm /var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/latest
    6. Remove any DSS-created LVM volume groups and/or volumes.
      vgremove -f some-volumegroup-name
  5. Install DSS 0.4.
  6. Follow these steps to install device providers on desired nodes.

Manually upgrade the DSS package to 0.3.0 from 0.2.0

DSS 0.3 requires DC/OS Enterprise 1.12 or later, but DSS 0.2 only works for DC/OS Enterprise 1.11. Therefore, to upgrade from DSS 0.2 to DSS 0.3, you will also need to upgrade DC/OS Enterprise.

WARNING: Performing this upgrade will remove all DSS-managed plugins, volumes, volume providers, and volume profiles from your cluster. Please back up any important data before proceeding.

Since there are some breaking changes between DSS 0.2 and DSS 0.3, please perform the following steps to upgrade:

  1. Remove DSS created volumes and volume providers from all agents in the cluster.
  2. Uninstall DSS.
  3. Remove volume, volume providers, and related assets from Zookeeper.
  4. For every agent, do the following:
    1. Stop the agent.
    2. Kill all CSI plugin processes (such as, csilvm and devices-plugin).
      pkill csilvm && pkill devices-plugin
    3. Remove files under Mesos resource provider configuration directory.
      rm /opt/mesosphere/etc/mesos/resource-providers/*
    4. Remove checkpointed CSI volume state.
      rm -r /var/lib/mesos/slave/csi/
    5. Remove the latest symlink for the agent.
      rm /var/lib/mesos/slave/slaves/latest
  5. Upgrade DC/OS Enterprise to 1.12.
  6. Install DSS 0.3.
  7. Follow these steps to install device providers on desired nodes.

Manually upgrade the DSS package to v0.2.0 from v0.1.0

WARNING: Performing this upgrade will remove all DSS-managed plugins, volumes, volume providers, and volume profiles from your cluster. Please back up any important data before proceeding.

  1. Uninstall the currently installed DSS package and package repository.
  2. Remove volume, volume providers, and related assets from Zookeeper.
  3. Remove DSS-created volumes and volume providers from all agents in the cluster.
  4. Install the latest release of DSS.