dcos storage profile create


Create a volume profile.

dcos storage profile create

Create a volume profile.



<path>    A URL or local path to the volume profile configuration JSON. If
          this is omitted the volume profile configuration JSON is read
          from STDIN.

Read more about volume profiles and when you would use them by running dcos storage profile --help. In what follows we’ll assume you are familiar with them and will describe their configuration and give some examples.

Because agents and volumes can come and go in a distributed system it may be difficult to ensure a change or delete operation has completed successfully. For this reason profiles cannot be changed once they have been created (i.e., they are immutable) and they also cannot be removed.

Instead of removing a volume profile, you can deactivate a volume profile. No new volumes can be associated with a volume profile that has been deactivated.

The volume profile configuration must be a JSON document and supports the following fields: name, description, provider-selector and volume-configuration.

The name field uniquely identifies the volume profile throughout the DC/OS cluster. It is a string of up to 128 characters. The name must consist of the characters from [A-Za-z0-9\-], and must start with a letter. This field is required.

The description field lets you specify a human-readable description for the volume profile to add some extra context. This is a string of up to 512 characters. This field is optional.

The spec field is itself a nested structure. It contains the provider-selector, volume-configuration and one of either the block or mount fields.

The spec.provider-selector field is itself a nested structure that selects which volume providers volumes of this volume profile can be allocated from. The provider-selector field has the following fields: plugin and matches. This field is required.

The spec.provider-selector.plugin field selects a single plugin and only volume providers from that plugin can be used to create volumes that fit this volume profile. This field is required.

The spec.provider-selector.matches field further restricts the volume providers which can be used to create volume that fit this volume profile. This field consists of key-value pairs that must match those configured in the spec field of the volume providers. If a volume provider does not specify one of the key-value pairs given in the matches field it cannot be used to create volumes that fit this volume profile. If the spec field of a volume provider specifies all the key-value pairs listed in the matches field, as well as some additional key-value pairs, it matches the volume profile and can be used to create volumes that fit it. This field is optional.

The spec.volume-configuration field provides parameters that override the plugin defaults when volumes of this volume profile are created. The available parameters are plugin-specific and are described on the documentation page for the specific plugin, </mesosphere/dcos/storage/latest/volume-plugins/>. This field is optional.

Exactly one of spec.block or spec.mount must be specified.

If the spec.block field is specified volumes created using the profile will present as raw linux block devices to your application and will not be automatically formatted. The spec.block field accepts an empty {} as value as it does not currently support any type of configuration.

If the spec.mount field is specified volumes created using the profile will be formatted with a file system and will present as a mounted file system to your application. The spec.mount field value is a nested object with a single, optional field called filesystem. If spec.mount.filesystem is specified volumes will be formatted with the specified file system. If it is not specified volumes will be formatted with the default file system. The examples illustrate all three possibilities.

dcos storage profile create [<path>] [flags]


  1. Create a volume profile called logs from the configuration in profile.json to create volumes formatted with the default file system:
cat profile.json
    "name": "logs",
    "description": "spun down drives for log archives",
    "spec": {
        "provider-selector": {
            "plugin": "lvm",
            "matches": {
                "labels": {
                    "rotational": "true"
        "mount": {}
dcos storage profile create profile.json
  1. Create a volume profile called safe for LVM volumes from configuration passed on stdin to create volumes formatted with the xfs file system:
cat <<EOF | dcos storage profile create
    "name": "safe",
    "description": "Volumes backed by RAID-1 devices.",
    "spec": {
        "provider-selector": {
            "plugin": "lvm",
            "matches": {
                "labels": {"raid": "1"}
        "mount": {"filesystem": "xfs"}
  1. Create a volume profile called old for LVM volumes from configuration passed on stdin to create unformatted volumes that will present as linux block devices to your application:
cat <<EOF | dcos storage profile create
    "name": "old",
    "description": "Volumes on LVM VG's labelled as 'old'.",
    "spec": {
        "provider-selector": {
            "plugin": "lvm",
            "matches": {
                "labels": {"old": "true"}
        "block": {}

Options inherited from parent commands

Name Description
-h,--help Help for this command.
--timeout duration Override the default operation timeout. (default 55s)
-v,--verbose Verbose mode.