V1 池参考

V1 API 中所有 Edge-LB 池配置选项的参考

V1 池参考



  • 如果未设置默认值,即使是对象,也将留空。
  • 在离 root 对象最远的对象中设置默认值。
  • 始终为阵列设置默认值。
  • “nullable”的目的是允许将输出 JSON 字段设置为 golang “零值”。如果没有“nullable”,则该字段将从生成的 JSON 中完全删除。
  • 实际的验证是在代码中进行的,而不是在 swagger 中。
  • 空的 boolean 被解释为“false”,因此,不设置默认值。
  • 使用 CamelCase。
  • 如果是顶级定义,那么 Swagger 只能进行 enum 验证。


密钥 类型 Nullable 属性 说明
apiVersion string The api/schema version of this pool object. Should be V2 for new pools.
name string The pool name.
namespace string true The DC/OS space (sometimes also referred to as a “group”).
packageName string
packageVersion string
role string Mesos role for load balancers. Defaults to “slave_public” so that load balancers will be run on public agents. Use “*” to run load balancers on private agents. Read more about Mesos roles at http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/roles/.
cpus number
cpusAdminOverhead number
mem int32 Memory requirements (in MB).
memAdminOverhead int32 Memory requirements (in MB).
disk int32 Disk size (in MB).
count integer true Number of load balancer instances in the pool.
constraints string true Marathon style constraints for load balancer instance placement.
ports array
  • Override ports to allocate for each load balancer instance.
  • Defaults to {{haproxy.frontend.objs[].bindPort}} and {{haproxy.stats.bindPort}}.
  • Use this field to pre-allocate all needed ports with or without the frontends present. For example: [80, 443, 9090].
  • If the length of the ports array is not zero, only the ports specified will be allocated by the pool scheduler.
items int32
secrets array DC/OS secrets.
environmentVariables object additionalProperties Environment variables to pass to tasks. Prefix with ELB_FILE_ and it will be written to a file. For example, the contents of ELB_FILE_MYENV will be written to $ENVFILE/ELB_FILE_MYENV.
autoCertificate boolean Autogenerate a self-signed SSL/TLS certificate. It is not generated by default. It will be written to $AUTOCERT.
virtualNetworks array Virtual networks to join.


密钥 类型 说明
secret object


密钥 类型 说明
secret string Secret name.
file string File name.
The file myfile will be found at $SECRETS/myfile.


密钥 类型 说明
additionalProperties string Environment variables to pass to tasks.
Prefix with “ELB_FILE_” and it will be written to a file. For example, the contents of “ELB_FILE_MYENV” will be written to “$ENVFILE/ELB_FILE_MYENV”.


Key Type Description
name string The name of the virtual network to join.
labels string Labels to pass to the virtual network plugin.


Key Type Description
frontends array Array of frontends.
backends array Array of backends.


密钥 类型
bindAddress string
bindPort int 32


密钥 类型 属性 说明 x-nullable 格式
name string Defaults to frontend_{{bindAddress}}_{{bindPort}}.
bindPort integer The port (e.g. 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS) that this frontend will bind to. int32
bindModifier string Additional text to put in the bind field
certificates array SSL/TLS certificates in the load balancer.

For secrets, use $SECRETS/my_file_name
For environment files, use $ENVFILE/my_file_name
For autoCertificate, use $AUTOCERT.
type: string
redirectToHttps object Setting this to the empty object is enough to redirect all traffic from HTTP (this frontend) to HTTPS (port 443). Default: except: []
miscStrs array of strings Additional template lines inserted before use_backend
protocol The frontend protocol is how clients/users communicate with HAProxy.
linkBackend object
  • defaultBackend
  • map
This describes what backends to send traffic to. This can be expressed with a variety of filters such as matching on the hostname or the HTTP URL path.
Default: map: []


密钥 类型 属性 说明
except array You can additionally set a whitelist of fields that must be matched to allow HTTP.
items object Boolean AND will be applied with every selected value.


Key Type Description
host string Match on host.
pathBeg string Math on path.


Key Type Properties Description
defaultBackend string This is default backend that is routed to if none of the other filters are matched.
map array This is an optional field that specifies a mapping to various backends. These rules are applied in order.
“Backend” and at least one of the condition fields must be filled out. If multiple conditions are filled out, they will be combined with a boolean “AND”.


密钥 类型 说明
backend string
hostEq string Must be all lowercase.
hostReg string Must be all lowercase. It is possible for a port (e.g. foo.com:80) to be in this regex.
pathBeg string
pathEnd string
pathReg string


密钥 类型 属性 说明
name string The name the frontend refers to.
protocol string The backend protocol is how HAProxy communicates with the servers it is load balancing.
rewriteHttp Manipulate HTTP headers. There is no effect unless the protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS.
balance string Load balancing strategy. E.g., roundrobin, leastconn, etc.
customCheck object Specify alternate forms of healthchecks.
miscStrs array of strings Additional template lines inserted before servers
servers array Array of backend network sources / selectors.


Key Type
httpchk boolean
httpchkMiscStr string
sslHelloChk boolean
miscStr string


Key Type Properties Description
host string Set the host header value.
path object Rewrite the HTTP URL path. All fields required, otherwise it’s ignored.
sticky object Sticky sessions via a cookie.
To use the default values (recommended), set this field to the empty object.


密钥 类型
fromPath string
toPath string


Key Type nullable
enabled boolean true
customStr string


Key Type nullable
forwardfor boolean true
xForwardedPort boolean true
xForwardedProtoHttpsIfTls boolean true
setHostHeader boolean true
rewritePath boolean true


密钥 类型 nullable
rewriteLocation boolean true


Key Type Properties Default Description
framework object match: EXACT The Mesos framework. If unsure, the value should probably be “marathon”.
task object match: EXACT The Task name. This field is not needed for VIPs.
For Marathon pods, this is the container name, NOT the pod name.
check object enabled: true Enable health checks. These are by default TCP health checks. For more options see “customCheck”.
These are required for DNS resolution (and hence VIPs) to function properly
miscStr string Append an arbitrary string to the “server” directive.


密钥 类型
values string


密钥 类型 说明
value string The Task name. This field is not needed for VIPs.
For Marathon pods, this is the container name, NOT the pod name.


Key Type nullable
enabled boolean true
customStr string


密钥 类型 说明
name string The name of the port. This is used for AUTO_IP, AGENT_IP and CONTAINER_IP.
all boolean For AUTO_IP, AGENT_IP and CONTAINER_IP,this can be used to expose all defined ports.
This should only be used if a name is not defined for the port and there is a single port defined for the service.
vip strings Set the VIP definition directly (e.g. “/myvip:1234”).


Key Type
code int32
message string