Release notes for 2.0.0

Release notes for DC/OS 2.0.0, including Open Source attribution, and version policy.

Mesosphere® DC/OS™ 2.0.0 was released on 25 October 2019.

WARNING: The DC/OS 1.13.9 release includes a data format change for the persisted dcos-net state that, if you upgrade to the 2.2.0 release, can cause critical issues with dcos-net. Because of this, we recommend upgrading to release 2.0.4 or higher.

New customers contact your sales representative or before attempting to download and install DC/OS Enterprise.

Release Summary

Mesosphere® DC/OS is a distributed operating system that enables you to manage resources, application deployment, data services, networking, and security in an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid cluster environment.

This release provides new features and enhancements to improve the user experience, fix reported issues, integrate changes from previous releases, and maintain compatibility and support for other packages, such as Marathon™ and Metronome, used in DC/OS.

If you have DC/OS deployed in a production environment, see Known Issues and Limitations to see if any potential operational changes for specific scenarios apply to your environment.

  • Updated DC/OS UI to master+v2.150.2.
  • Updated to Apache® Mesos® 1.9. (DCOS_OSS-5342)
  • Updated Marathon to 1.9.100. Marathon 1.9 brings multi-role support, enabling you to launch services for different roles (against different Mesos quotas) with the same Marathon instance.
  • Updated to Metronome 0.6.33 which has the following benefits: When querying run detail with embed=history, successfulFinishedRuns and failedFinishedRuns contains new field tasks which is an array of taskIds of that finished run. This will allow people to query task IDs even for finished job runs. (DCOS_OSS-5166)

New Features and Capabilities

Multi-Tenancy Support

DC/OS has improved Multi-Tenancy support by adding quota management for service groups. Specifically, DC/OS enables managing quota limits through UI and CLI for Marathon based and SDK based services. For more details, see Quota Management. (DCOS-54186)

Node Draining Enables Graceful Maintenance

DC/OS adds the ability to drain agent nodes using both the DC/OS CLI and UI. For more details, see Draining a Node. (DCOS-53654)

UCR Support for Applications Requiring Configurable Shared Memory

As tasks in a pod are running on the same agent, it is possible to define a shared memory segment for tasks. DC/OS supports configurable /dev/shm size and IPC namespace in UCR. For more details, see Shared Memory. (DCOS-54618)

DC/OS introduces the following parameters to UCR support:

  • mesos_disallow_sharing_agent_ipc_namespace can be used to control whether the top-level Mesos container is allowed to share the Mesos agent host’s IPC namespace and /dev/shm. The default value is false. (DCOS-56619)
  • mesos_default_container_shm_size can be used to specify the default size of the /dev/shm for the Mesos container which has its own /dev/shm. The format is [number][unit], where number must be a positive integer and unit can be B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes) or TB (terabytes). (DCOS-56619)

New Diagnostics Commands

DC/OS introduces a new diagnostic service with the addition of the dcos diagnostics suite of CLI commands. A more RESTful API will generate diagnostics bundles for troubleshooting DC/OS issues. This decentralized model will generate a local bundle on every node, and then merge all local bundles. This change greatly reduces the amount of time needed to generate a diagnostic bundle. (DCOS_OSS-5098)

  • Create new diagnostics bundle REST API with performance improvements.
  • Deprecate legacy routes and create a more RESTful API for generating diagnostics bundles.

Other Improvements

  • DC/OS has a new container debug endpoint, and the diagnostic bundle includes the debug endpoint tracking data for a stuck task. (DCOS-55383)
  • Metronome post-install configuration can be added to /var/lib/dcos/metronome/environment. (DCOS_OSS-5309)
  • Add L4LB metrics in DC/OS Net. (DCOS_OSS-5011)
  • Previously, Marathon would validate that an external volume with the same name is only used once across all apps. Multiple external volume providers now allow shared access to mounted volumes, so we introduce a way to disable the uniqueness check. (MARATHON-8681)
  • Add a new DC/OS configuration parameter mesos_docker_volume_chown, to change Docker® volume ownership to the task user. By default, this parameter defaults to false; if this parameter is set as true, Mesos will change the ownership of a Docker volume non-recursively to be the task user when launching a container. It is not recommended that this option be enabled if there is any Docker volume shared by multiple non-root users. (COPS-5176, DCOS_OSS-5381, MESOS-9908)

Fixed and Improved Issues

  • Update ref of dvdcli to fix dvdcli package build. (DCOS-53581)
  • Fix performance degradation in Lashup. As of now, dcos-dns uses a new LWW mode to gossip DNS zone updates. (DCOS_OSS-4240)
  • Optimize memory and CPU usage in dcos-net. (DCOS_OSS-5269, DCOS_OSS-5268)
  • Remove nogroup group from installation. (COPS-5220, DCOS-59427)
  • Upgrade Admin Router’s underlying OpenResty®/nginx from 1.13.x to 1.15.x. (DCOS_OSS-5320)
  • In dcos-net, use cached Mesos state in case of Mesos instability. (DCOS_OSS-5463)
  • Bump Mesos modules to have overlay metrics exposed. (DCOS_OSS-5322)
  • Improved Marathon API performance. JSON serialization is 50% faster and has 50% less memory overhead.
  • DC/OS no longer increases the rate limit for journald logging, to reduce cases of journald being overloaded and blocking other services. (DCOS-53763)
  • Fix preflight Docker® version check failing for Docker 1.19. (DCOS-56831)
  • Bump Telegraf™ to have Mesos overlay module metrics collected. (DCOS_OSS-5323)
  • Fix wrong value in dcos_service_port_index that breaks Admin Router cache. (COPS-5147, DCOS_OSS-5491)
  • Add framework ID tags to Mesos framework metrics. (DCOS-53302)
  • The DC/OS configuration variable mesos_seccomp_enabled now defaults to true, with mesos_seccomp_profile_name set to default.json. This is not expected to break tasks. If you experience problems, though, note that seccomp can be disabled for individual tasks through the DC/OS SDK and Marathon. For more details, see mesos_seccomp_enabled and mesos_seccomp_profile_name. (DCOS-50038)
  • Very large quota values can crash Mesos master. (DCOS-59695)
  • Marathon crash-loops after receiving a very long error message from a task’s fetcher. (COPS-5365, MARATHON-8698)
  • ACL gives inappropriate access to tasks. (COPS-4929)
  • When deploying a service with an L4-VIP, it can take up to 10 minutes until the VIP is available. (COPS-5081, DCOS_OSS-5356)
  • The dcos-net logs show too many entries on masters. (COPS-5229, DCOS-57506)

Third-party Updates and Compatibility

  • Telegraf now supports specifying port names for task-label based Prometheus endpoints discovery. (DCOS-55100)
  • Update Telegraf to process Mesos operations metrics. (DCOS_OSS-5023, DCOS-51344)
  • Upgrade Erlang/OTP to release 22.0.3. (DCOS_OSS-5276)
  • Upgrade platform CPython to release 3.6.8. (DCOS_OSS-5318)
  • Upgrade CockroachDB® to release 2.1.8. (DCOS_OSS-5360)
  • Upgrade platform cURL© from 7.59.0 to 7.65.1. (DCOS_OSS-5319)
  • Upgrade platform OpenSSL© from 1.0.2x to release 1.1.1x. (DCOS-54108)

Known Issues and Limitations

This section covers any known issues or limitations. These do not necessarily affect all customers, but might require changes to your environment to address specific scenarios. Where applicable, issue descriptions include one or more tracking identifiers for reference, enclosed in parentheses.

  • /v2/pods and /v2/tasks do not include any information about existing instances. (DCOS_OSS-5616)
  • Mesos modules in DC/OS Enterprise version can cause deadlock during process. (DCOS-57401)
  • Mesos Resources Summary dashboard should show quota limits instead of guarantees. (DCOS-57261)
  • Grafana™ fails to load because of file permission error. (DCOS-59209)
  • DC/OS overlay networks are not compared by value, but should be. Only VTEP IP address and subnets are used. Until this issue is fixed, use VTEP IP and Subnets only, instead of NAMED overlay networks. (DCOS_OSS-5620)
  • MKE is not rescheduled when a drained node is re-activated. (DCOS-59788)

Previous Releases

To review changes from the most recent previous releases, see the following links: